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Sleuth Winter Olympics 2018
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Pinball Amateur

Jan-14-2018 02:29

Hi Guys!! ;-)

Hope y'all have been having a white and wacky winter so far!! I've been a bit preoccupied dealing with wildfire-related stuff around the area where I live, so I'm afraid I haven't been around for a bit, but I'm hoping everyone has been doing well here on Sleuth!! ;-)

I'm curious if anyone is interested in doing anything for the upcoming Winter Olympics?? (Remember about 18 months ago, when we had a little celebration for the 2016 Rio Summer Games?? if you don't. ;-).

On February 8, the 23rd Winter Olympics will open in PyeongChang, South Korea, followed by the 12th Winter Paralympics on March 8. Teams from 91 nations will meet in several venues to compete in 15 sports in the Olympics, and 6 sports in the Paralympics.

I'm thinking our Olympics might run for a week or 10 days, and have a nation-oriented team focus similar to what you find in the regular Olympics. Anyone who is interested in helping me put together a schedule of events and list of rules, please PM me or contact me on Facebook (I can use all the help and input I can get, so please come find me ;-). I hope that lots of you will sign up, and we'll have a terrific competition!!

So. Who's in?? ;-D

Thank you!!


P.S.--Yeti and Squirrel, for whatever reason, the search function on the Message Boards isn't working. Dunno if this is recent, or a long-standing bug, but you guys might wanna have a look-see at that. Thank you!! B. ;-)



Feb-2-2018 15:53

Or apply for a dual , if you don't have one already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Pinball Amateur

Feb-2-2018 21:24

We have seven "yes" people and one "maybe" or fill-in, at the moment. (Cordy wasn't sure she would be able to participate due to scheduling conflicts.) So we still need at least one more person. C'mon, guys, sign up!! ;-D

As for team selection, it'll probably be like last time, through experience levels and the luck of the draw. (No bribing the rabbit in the hat, guys. ;-)


Con Artist

Feb-3-2018 06:29

Ok I'm in. I'll sub Emer for the occasion.

Con Artist

Feb-4-2018 06:55

One little change here please. I'll be replacing Emer with Charlie Cool. If Cordelia wishes to compete then I'll gladly step aside. :-D

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Feb-4-2018 07:10

Do we have a date yet? I now know I'm going to be away from the 9th to the 20th so I'll hand over the hat to Emer/Charlie if stuff's going to be happening during that period.

Caramelton John
Caramelton John

Feb-4-2018 13:32

Emer, you can take my spot if you wish. Not sure if I can commit myself as other things in rl are catching up on me.


Feb-4-2018 13:33

Above post was mine :)

Con Artist

Feb-5-2018 06:51

Thanks for the offer BadAss but I'll be playing Charlie Cool, my other account. :-) I hope you find the time to compete.


Feb-5-2018 06:58

Not likely. Go ahead Charlie.

Pinball Amateur

Feb-5-2018 21:11

The Games will probably start up in the beginning of March. I'm glad to see 8 names signed up, but if more want to participate, that would be even better!! ;-D

BadAss, since you're not able to compete, would you like to work on revising the Games with me and a couple other Looney Tunes?? ;-)


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