Rabbit Doubt
The Announcer
Aug-13-2017 19:29
Greetings, all! For a change of pace, I'm happy to announce a new game called Rabbit Doubt (idea courtesy of Tyranomaster3). This is a game which requires careful strategy (and a bit of luck) to secure victory for your team. The gameplay will be accompanied by narrative portions to increase the immersion of the experience. All of the details can be found at the link below:
If you are interested in playing, please post in this thread. I'll leave sign-ups open for 48-ish hours to see how many players we get. Of course, it's always more fun with more people. Then the game will begin! :D
If at any time you have questions regarding gameplay, please PM me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
As requested, spots have been reserved in advance for miss snopes, Sleuth Sindy, and Sal Iva.
Replies |
Aug-20-2017 18:49
Wait.... Was that a desicive vote?
I can't do it with so many questions.
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-20-2017 18:59
Shell, I don't know what else you are right about but one thing is for sure, I am very confused!
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-20-2017 19:00
VOTE: Sindy
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-20-2017 19:22
My reasoning for my vote is that up to this point Yeti is the only one to offer any information that he is the tracker. If someone else had that role, wouldn't they provide us with some type of information?
Aug-20-2017 19:48
You bring a good point Miss Snopes, but that sounds way to convenient to me. I just want this traitor(s) to be cought so we can sleep without worrying who could be next.
*Lights out*
Aug-20-2017 19:48
You bring a good point Miss Snopes, but that sounds way to convenient to me. I just want this traitor(s) to be cought so we can sleep without worrying who could be next.
*Lights out*
The Announcer
Aug-20-2017 20:01
Reminder: The night phase has now begun. Communication on this thread is forbidden until 7:00 server time tomorrow morning.
Anyone wishing to use their night ability must PM me with the name of their target before 6:00 server time.
Yet another day had passed without anything being resolved. In fact, the infighting had only become more bitter. With two parties claiming to have witnessed different things during the night, no one knew who to believe anymore. And then there were those who remained ambivalent. As night fell once more, the air was suffused with a heaviness born from worry and fear. It was almost certain that the killer would strike again, and the chances of seeing morning were slim to none.
The Announcer
Aug-21-2017 07:00
As the sun rose in the sky one again, the remaining explorers awoke with a feeling of despair. Whose body would they find today? Not wishing to know, but also secretly curious, they began to gather in the central area. But wait, what was this? After doing a quick count, it appeared that...nobody was missing. There were exactly six people remaining. There had been no deaths during the night? The explorers stared at each other. What was going on?
The day phase has now begun. Communication on this thread is now open until 20:00 server time. During this time, players may share what they have learned during the night, if they so wish. Additionally, each player *MUST* cast a vote before the day's end. To vote for another player to be hanged, use "VOTE: Player Name" (and "UNVOTE: Player Name" if you change your mind). To abstain, use "NO VOTE."
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Aug-21-2017 07:07
Good morning everyone! And by everyone I mean Missy, the one Explorer still trotting along with me.
Fun fact about this game everyone, if the opportunist decides to work with the traitors from the start (even by going NO VOTE) there's no way for the Explorers to hang a Traitor, unless the Traitors accidentally hit the Vig early on. And they're unlikely to hit the Vig, as the Vig is forced to NO VOTE, giving them away. So what I'm saying is as there's no reliable way for the Explorers to hang anyone the game is RIGGED.
Anyway, congratulations to Sindy, LaSorella, and shell. I hereby concede to you, you traitorous trio.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Aug-21-2017 07:07
Oh, and Sal of course! Good morning to you too!
..Though I think they'll hang you today.