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Rabbit Doubt
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-13-2017 19:29

Greetings, all! For a change of pace, I'm happy to announce a new game called Rabbit Doubt (idea courtesy of Tyranomaster3). This is a game which requires careful strategy (and a bit of luck) to secure victory for your team. The gameplay will be accompanied by narrative portions to increase the immersion of the experience. All of the details can be found at the link below:

If you are interested in playing, please post in this thread. I'll leave sign-ups open for 48-ish hours to see how many players we get. Of course, it's always more fun with more people. Then the game will begin! :D

If at any time you have questions regarding gameplay, please PM me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

As requested, spots have been reserved in advance for miss snopes, Sleuth Sindy, and Sal Iva.


miss snopes
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-18-2017 20:00

Good night :)

The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-18-2017 20:02

Reminder: The night phase has now begun. Communication on this thread is forbidden until 7:00 server time tomorrow morning.

-Anyone wishing to use their night ability must PM me with the name of their target before 6:00 server time.

-Results will be returned to you before 7:00. Your death notice (if applicable) will be given to you before 7:00. If you die, you will not receive the results of your ability.

-Anyone wishing leave advance orders to use their night ability before the day phase ends is free to do so, but the request will be disregarded if the requester is hung.


As the sun dropped over the horizon and darkness descended upon the group of explorers, they were filled with an increasing sense of unease. Their attempts at escape over the past several hours had proved futile, and suspicion and distrust was rife.

To make matters worse, they had no food save for what they had brought with them, and perhaps some edible vegetation in the area. Water had pooled in some of the stony depressions from the morning's rain, but that was all they had. Finally, no one seemed to be able to find a way out; every route they explored just led to a dead end with walls far out of reach.

The only thing they had found all day was what appeared to be a short length of rope, which seemed useless in and of itself. In wordless agreement, the explorers scattered to find their own spaces to sleep for the night. Their minds were busy. Were one or more of them really responsible for this? Could they trust each other? ...Would any of them truly be able to sleep tonight?

The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-19-2017 07:00

The explorers were rudely awakened by a high-pitched scream. They scrambled awake to find that one of their own had been killed during the night. Alone in a grassy area behind a broken chunk of rock lay Zara, with a pool of blood around her. It appeared she had suffered multiple blows to the head and had bled out during the night. The explorers' stomachs twisted with horror as they stared at her, none daring to say the first word. For they were all thinking the same thing: only one of their own could have done this horrible deed. But who?


The day phase has now begin. Communication on this thread is now open until 20:00 server time. During this time, players may share what they have learned during the night, if they so wish. Additionally, each player *MUST* cast a vote before the day's end. To vote for another player to be hanged, use "VOTE: Player Name" (and "UNVOTE: Player Name" if you change your mind). To abstain, use "NO VOTE."

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-19-2017 07:05

Zara turned up dead, huh? My, my, my.

You know who visited Zara last night? No other than Sleuth Sindy.

VOTE: Sleuth Sindy

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-19-2017 07:09

Yeti, if I had had the opportunity to kill someone off, it would have been you.

VOTE: Yeti Face

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-19-2017 07:10

Do you deny you visited Ms Zara, you filthy murderer?

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-19-2017 07:14

I was at the Battery Boardwalk playing a Furore this morning. I had no time for nefarious activities, nor the energy to carry them out. My dogs woke me up this morning after two hours of sleep. :/

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Aug-19-2017 07:21

Ha, how impolite of your dogs!

You know why I decided to follow you last night, Sindy? It's because you didn't talk at all yesterday DESPITE THE FACT that you were around. Why didn't you talk? Probably because you were worried about giving yourself away. Very ironic.

Then I confront you today and you don't even claim you were at Zara's house as part of another role, you flat out DENY you were there.

Everyone, let's give Sindy a good hanging. If she's innocent you can always move to hang me next round, as ONE of us is lying here. This conflict isn't something you'd expect from two EXPLORERS.


Aug-19-2017 07:24

Again with a extreme show of force, first the rubble and now the blows.

I just can't ignore to notice, how Miss Snopes and Sleuth Cindy have grown stronger during this expedition. Care to share your secrets?

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-19-2017 07:30

You followed me, Yeti? So you're saying you're a Tracker?

Do you have some credentials to back up that claim? Sounds like a lot of hot air to me.

I'm going to have to do some reading LaSorella. I don't know what you mean by "growing stronger." :/

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