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Contest: Sleuth Trivia (Part 4)
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Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad

Jul-2-2017 19:44

Greetings, all! Since I seem to have lost all ability to be concise (except for this post), I've put all the details on the trivia contest at the link below:

Good luck! :D


The Announcer
The Announcer

Jul-21-2017 13:14

The winner of Sleuth Trivia (Part 4) is… *drumroll*… Sultry de Mon! Congratulations, Sultry! You had the most correct entry of all the contestants, and a near-perfect score.

At a close second was Bela Talbot III--excellent work! In general, I was very impressed by all the contestants' research and stalking skills. All non-winning participants will receive [5] GPP.

There were 6 entries received in total, 5 of which were at least 75% complete. Therefore, Sultry’s prize amount is $50,000x5= $250,000. Miss Hawkeye will wire you the prize money shortly. In addition, Sultry will receive [10] GPP.

Thank you all for playing, and I hope you had fun digging and searching for the answers. The questions for Sleuth Trivia (Part 5) are currently being compiled, so please look forward to that in the coming months. :)


Bonus: The most amusing answers received. :D

1f. How many fish are in the tank at the arcade?
I see 16 fish shapes but my eyes hurt so much from staring at the monitor - I'm not sure what is fish and what is rock :)

2a. What are the full names of the two people who offer you tickets?
Maggie and Joe :")

4. Shameless Drunks
b. Very British Bar
c. Oriental Express Bar
d. Delhi Bar
e. Victorious Bar
f. The Ship Bar

6c. Approximately how much does Big Lucy weigh?
A1: You don't ask a lady how much she weighs.
A2: no one knows - she's just big boned - and if you'd find out they'd give you nice set of concrete shoes :)

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Jul-21-2017 14:10

Congratulations to the winners and to anyone who just took a shot at it. :) You have my deepest admiration.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Jul-21-2017 14:58

Congrats Sultry!!!! ***FIREWORKS***


Jul-21-2017 15:39

Congrats, Sultry! :D WOOOO~

also +40 tough, charm, smart? holy cow *___* I thought I was exaggerating with my answer but I was low-balling

looking forward to the next one 8D

Sultry De Mon
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist

Jul-21-2017 18:32

Thanks everyone. It was lots of fun Riza.

Looking forward to the next one. Hopefully more of you Lurkers out there will join in. 😃

miss snopes
miss snopes

Jul-21-2017 19:06

Yes Sumia, it was +8 for each stat on all 5 pieces! So jealous I didn't get the complete outfit.

Keira Ann
Keira Ann

Jul-21-2017 19:59

Congrats Sultry!

Villains' Scourge

Jul-21-2017 22:07

Congrats ! Also thanks Riza, it was fun :)


Jul-22-2017 02:29

Congratulations Shell! I knew you could do it! :)

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-22-2017 22:34

Whaaa, results are out?! XD. This is why I shouldn't use a direct link to the Resistance thread all the time. :P

Congrats Sultry, I have been thoroughly out-stalked. :D

Also, thank you Riza, I had sooo much fun looking for a few of the answers. :D

P.S. Maggie and Joe are the best! :D

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