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The Resistance: Lurker Edition
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Jul-1-2017 09:19

Hello everyone. I’ll be hosting another game of Resistance, and I encourage all lurkers from the previous game(s) to come out and play! We’ll keep it simple with just gameplay and no story this time. And if you’ve never played before, feel free to jump right in, because we all need more imaginary problems to worry about. :)

The game takes place over a series of 5 "missions." The Resistance is trying to complete 3 missions successfully, while the spies are attempting to sabotage 3 missions. First one to 3 wins.

I will serve as game master. Once we get enough people to play (5-10 total), I will PM everyone their allegiance (either "Resistance" or "Spy"). If you are a "Spy," I will also PM you the names of your co-conspirators.

A "leader" will be chosen at random for the first mission. The leader has 2 important functions:
1) The leader will assign various "role" abilities to players. These are one-shot special powers a player can use to learn more information about someone.
2) The leader will assign players to the "team" for that mission.

Missions will have a varying number of players who are selected; the leader picks a team, then every player will vote on whether or not they approve the team by PMing me. Once all the votes are cast, I will post the voting results. If a majority approves the team, the mission starts. If not, the mission does not start, and the next player in line becomes the new "leader" for that round. This continues until either a mission is approved, or 5 consecutive mission teams are rejected (in which case the spies win automatically.)

Once a mission team is approved, those players will PM me their choice of action during that mission. Resistance players will ALWAYS choose to have the mission succeed by sending "Success," while spies have a choice: they can either elect to have the mission succeed (to throw off suspicion), or they can "Sabotage" the mission.


shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-1-2017 20:08

Ty, I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand what you are saying.


Aug-1-2017 22:33

I mean the team picked at the mission 3 is from sindy. If I am a spy, I can totally pick another team to muddy the water. And since that's the 5th team, it would be approved whatever team I proposed. You might think I tried to hide my allegiance so I picked a team like that. But please think carefully that taking risk with 2 spies in the same team is not worth. If there were 2 sabotages (because 2 spies), then it's very disadvantage for the spies. So if I am a spy, it's non-sense that I will do that.

But if sindy is the spy, things become clear. She prepared a good plan before when she suggested us to pick that team. You guys will agree with me that suggestion is a very good idea. But if sindy is a spy, she must know how to make things messy. She's gonna sabotage the team. Then nobody can know who is the spy (because the 1st team including me, sindy and aspen is a success and shell was confirmed by Sal). So people will become very confused to track the spy down.

Hope I made my opinion clear. I am so tired now so I cannot think very thoroughly. That's why. Sorry you all :(

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-2-2017 03:28

Hi all

Had a minute to pop in. Haven't had a chance to read everything thoroughly and may not have a chance but just let me say that Bela and I are emphatically *not* secret spy buddies in this game. I know - you have only my word on this which you have to give what weight you will.

Ty, I've already pointed out where you posted your intention to vote SUCCEED or you were telling Aspen that you should let the team succeed - I'm unclear on where you were going with that. Either you wanted to the team to succeed or AspenK missed your cue.

I ask you again, why would I as a spy use

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-2-2017 03:40

Hi all

Had a minute to pop in. Haven't had a chance to read everything thoroughly and may not have a chance but just let me say that Bela and I are emphatically *not* secret spy buddies in this game. I know - you have only my word on this which you have to give what weight you will.

Ty, I've already pointed out where you posted your intention to vote SUCCEED or you were telling Aspen that you both should let the team succeed - I'm unclear on where you were going with that. Either you wanted to the team to succeed or AspenK missed your cue.

I ask you again, why would I as a spy use NO CONFIDENCE on a team I had proposed and that was going to pass? So I could later point to it to try to prove I'm Resistance? I would not pass up the chance to SABOTAGE a mission if I could as a spy. The first strategy is just too convoluted and would involve too much work when I could just go for the sure thing.

I probably should have revealed myself to Shell, but then she would have been suspected of being a spy and lying about my allegiance, etc., etc. The wider the spies can cast their net of suspicion the better. But you can ask yourself, why didn't Ty reveal himself to Shell? My theory is because he is a reluctant spy and didn't want to have to falsely accuse of lying when she revealed he was a spy.

Keep in mind Bela's endorsement of Aspen - based on what? Don't let the spies smoke and mirrors get you distracted.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-2-2017 03:41

Sorry, didn't realize that first bit had actually posted. Thought I had lost it and back-spaced.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-2-2017 04:28

I know what Ty is trying to say, and in the process he has confirmed a suspicion of mine.

Remember I asked if Bela and Ty were both spies, how did they know which one would vote sabotage? Well, something that I have considered myself as a spy strategy possibility is putting more than one spy on a team. Now, if I was a spy and my fellow spy as a team leader put me on that team I would assume that since they are team leader, as team leader they would be the one to make the move. I think that's how that Bela/Ty deal worked out.

What Ty is saying is that he was not the team leader on the team where he and Aspen were together, and so how could they possibly know which one should sabotage the mission? Well, I've already shown you his attempt to communicate to Aspen on the message boards.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-2-2017 05:12

So, he's essentially admitted that's how he knew who was going to vote SABOTAGE on the team he was on with Bela.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-2-2017 05:53

I may have gotten some of my facts about the teams wrong - I don't have time to back and reread everything. If I have my apologies, but the part about the strategy to determine who will sabotage and Ty's post on the message board are solid.

This is probably the last opportunity I will have to post today.

Steady on Resistance.

The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-2-2017 07:47

The results of the vote on Aspen's MISSION 4 TEAM 2 Proposal are in.

Aspen proposed a team of
-miss snopes

The mission proposal has been REJECTED by a vote of 6-2. The votes are as follows.

Sal Iva NO
Tyranomaster3 NO
Sleuth Sindy NO
AspenK YES
Bela Talbot III YES
shell marple NO
Zara Bande NO
miss snopes NO

Leadership will now move on to Bela, unless shell wishes to use STRONG LEADER.

After that has been decided, will the next leader please propose a team of five people. Then everyone must PM me "Mission 4, Team 3: YES/NO" within 24 hours after the proposal.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Aug-2-2017 09:57

Since I won't be getting the power cards for the next mission, will the power-getting leader please consider giving me an OC card (provided that one is given out)? I would use it on shell. If an OPEN UP card comes out and I'm assigned it, I would probably reveal my allegiance to Missy or shell. (Do you guys have any other suggestions? I think if we talk about it and reach a consensus, a spy first leader would have to sweat a little to explain why they would want to assign it any other way) I'll try to log in again in an hour or an hour and a half; what does everybody think of a team of Bela, miss snopes, Aspen, shell, and Sal? This is NOT my official proposal, I'll post that in an hour or so.

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