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The Resistance: Lurker Edition
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Jul-1-2017 09:19

Hello everyone. I’ll be hosting another game of Resistance, and I encourage all lurkers from the previous game(s) to come out and play! We’ll keep it simple with just gameplay and no story this time. And if you’ve never played before, feel free to jump right in, because we all need more imaginary problems to worry about. :)

The game takes place over a series of 5 "missions." The Resistance is trying to complete 3 missions successfully, while the spies are attempting to sabotage 3 missions. First one to 3 wins.

I will serve as game master. Once we get enough people to play (5-10 total), I will PM everyone their allegiance (either "Resistance" or "Spy"). If you are a "Spy," I will also PM you the names of your co-conspirators.

A "leader" will be chosen at random for the first mission. The leader has 2 important functions:
1) The leader will assign various "role" abilities to players. These are one-shot special powers a player can use to learn more information about someone.
2) The leader will assign players to the "team" for that mission.

Missions will have a varying number of players who are selected; the leader picks a team, then every player will vote on whether or not they approve the team by PMing me. Once all the votes are cast, I will post the voting results. If a majority approves the team, the mission starts. If not, the mission does not start, and the next player in line becomes the new "leader" for that round. This continues until either a mission is approved, or 5 consecutive mission teams are rejected (in which case the spies win automatically.)

Once a mission team is approved, those players will PM me their choice of action during that mission. Resistance players will ALWAYS choose to have the mission succeed by sending "Success," while spies have a choice: they can either elect to have the mission succeed (to throw off suspicion), or they can "Sabotage" the mission.



Jul-7-2017 09:46

Sorry for making so many post. I am going to sleep so I am afraid that I might miss some chances to talk to people before I make my decision.

For sindy, why did you give the card to sal? Why didn't you keep it for yourself??? A resistance usually doesn't believe anyone so easy. So please say something.

And aspenK, you are too quiet that I don't know anything from you. Are you a resistance? If that, please say something to prove it.

I hope you both are resistances so that thing will be the same as before and I just need to focus on Sal.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Jul-7-2017 10:22

@ Ty

I did keep one card for myself, Ty, and I *believe* you can only keep one. I kept NO CONFIDENCE for myself which is a pretty powerful card.

@ Ty and Shell

Aspen K's shyness of the boards makes me nervous as well. I know Ty and I voted almost immediately after the results of the last team were up - so I can only surmise that Aspen K was the hold up - or The Announcer just enjoys watching us all squirm. :) I know she logged in yesterday so why didn't she vote?

@ Shell

There are good arguments to be made for and against this team. The odds are pretty good that there is at least one spy on this team. If there is a spy on this team that was laying low the last mission, then they'll be hard pressed to lay low again as - you are right - they really can't afford to be down 2-0 in the next round. It will certainly be interesting to see how the votes go on this team.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-7-2017 10:41

I agree with you on both points, shell; with the information we have so far my imagination can only stretch so far as to suggest the mission one team + one more player. It's also no secret I'm campaigning for that position. :P

As for Aspen, she didn't talk too much last game either, but I'd be inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that that's probably because she logs in around the 20:30 - 1:00 (SST) area. There is then a hold-up there. Sindy, do you mean that you know she'd logged in yesterday after your team had been officially declared to be on the mission, or could that have been earlier? Love the stalker streak (and the funky new avatar!) BTW. :D


Jul-7-2017 11:14

Thanks, Bela.

Well, I was an angel in the last Resistance game I played and absolutely nobody believed me - so I decided to be a little devil this time. :)


Jul-7-2017 11:15


Sleuth Sindy here...

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Jul-7-2017 11:22

Bela, my thought is that I saw her avatar on the "See Whose Logged On" page after the results were posted.

miss snopes
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jul-7-2017 18:36

I'm not saying this is what happened but maybe she logged in and was thinking she had more time before the previous 24 hour period was up and hadn't checked back here yet. Sometimes time slips up on me and while I'm working my cases or researching trivia, hours have passed. Or she might be a spy and hoping someone will give away how they voted so she will know how to vote.

OR.......Ty and Sindy could both be spies and doing their best to make all of us who are Resistance, suspect each other of being spies. Hmmmm

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Jul-7-2017 19:31

OMG it's the floating head! Sorry Sindy, but every time I see Detective 316 online that's what I think. The shadows conceal the neck so well, it really is kind of creepy.

As for your new avatar, I don't see it. ;-)

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Jul-7-2017 20:39

I guess my days of parading around anonymously as Detective316 are over. :o

It's okay, Shell, that's kind of why I picked that avatar, and - well, she's older - like me.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Jul-7-2017 20:46

@ Miss Snopes

That certainly is what could have happened. I just realized that I hadn't yet voted on my own proposed team. Everyone seems to be pretty quiet, so all I can do is try to interpret their silence as best I can. :)

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