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Nemesis Adjustments
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Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Mar-23-2017 09:09

After popular demand the number of AVHs to complete between Nemesis hunts has been reduced to four. The very first Nemesis hunt will still require ten AVHs.

Further to this, two tasks have been removed. The head of faction task, and the start a hunt in every city task. If you have either of these tasks currently you will still have to finish them, however it will not be possible to get these tasks again.

As ever, please let me know if any fresh bugs have sprung up.


miss snopes
miss snopes

Jul-20-2017 14:03

Let me add to that by saying this is one of those "pre-destined to be hard to get clues" as the actual task is to get an artifact for a different townie. I have already gone through this 2 times, but the caves were so riddled with traps that I left empty-handed. On both of those maps I got the favor so fast when I asked that I assumed I would hit traps because it was too easy getting the favor. So when this townie played a little hard to get when I first started asking (March 21st), I was okay with that hoping it would lead to an artifact if the hard part was paid on getting the favor. But after a few months, I just couldn't make myself go ask anymore. I'm waiting on a telegram from the Delhi Waiter requesting I do him a favor. I mean I've been chasing this nemesis since December 2012 so I guess there really isn't any hurry. lol


Jul-20-2017 14:03

Drat. This is Autumn. *blush*


Jul-20-2017 14:52

Some strange things today ... despite the fact that I already solved the puzzle I still got a case with the urchin. I already solved 2 cases in London before I boarded the ship. On the ship however I still needed 4 cases before I got a favor. That makes 6 cases in total.

Con Artist

Jul-8-2020 01:27

Hello! I have a question. How would you know if you already have enough clues to solve the nemesis hunt?

Con Artist

Jul-8-2020 01:33

Also, one of my clues says about the asterisk * sign but there is no * in my box.... I am perplexed lol

Old Shoe

Jul-8-2020 02:00

Hi Aknas. The asterisk is in the 4th row of symbols. it is the third symbol in the sequence.

How many clues do you need? If you go to City Hall/Nemeses/Captured Nemeses, you will see that the minimum number of clues that anyone has solved with (so far) is 25 but that in some cases it can take more than 40 clues.

Some people feel you can only start to try and solve the box when you have at least one *anchor* clue (a clue which says a symbol definitely IS in a certain position) whereas others try to play around with the clues when they have a few that seem to fit together.

I hope this is helpful : )

Big Winner

Jul-8-2020 02:10

The smallest number of clues has been 24 so far, at least to my knowledge (Zara Bande, captured March 22 2018), so you can be pretty certain that your present number of clues is not enough. :)

The asterisk will be in your box, together with all the other signs and characters, but you're probably unable to find its place yet.

Big Winner

Jul-8-2020 02:11

Sorry, Kalinka, I haven't seen your reply. :)

Con Artist

Jul-8-2020 02:26

So it is between 25 to 40 clues. Long way to go then, lol. I found the asterisk, just have click slowly so as not to miss it. I like the anchor clue, though I don't have one yet. At least there is something definitive about the clues.

Thanks Rhaenys and Kalinka. :)

Cro Magnon
Cro Magnon
The Tome Ranger

Jul-8-2020 07:23

Jul-20-2017 14:02

Snopes, I've had the same problem with the pod in London. Every now and then I go back to try again but end up losing my patience. (mostly bc I detest London and my home city is Delhi.)


Mr Jintan, we are exact opposites. I detest Delhi and my home town is London :)

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