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The Resistance: Return to Paranoia
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Jan-20-2017 08:24

Hello everyone. It's been some time since we've had a game of Resistance, so I'll be hosting one (without story) for everyone to enjoy. If you've never played before, feel free to jump right into the world of uncertainty and lies. I promise lots of fun. :)

The game takes place over a series of 5 "missions." The Resistance is trying to complete 3 missions successfully, while the spies are attempting to sabotage 3 missions. First one to 3 wins.

I will serve as game master. Once we get enough people to play (5-10 total), I will PM everyone their allegiance (either "Resistance" or "Spy"). If you are a "Spy," I will also PM you the names of your co-conspirators.

A "leader" will be chosen at random for the first mission. The leader has 2 important functions:
1) The leader will assign various "role" abilities to players. These are one-shot special powers a player can use to learn more information about someone.
2) The leader will assign players to the "team" for that mission.

Missions will have a varying number of players who are selected; the leader picks a team, then every player will vote on whether or not they approve the team by PMing me. Once all the votes are cast, I will post the voting results. If a majority approves the team, the mission starts. If not, the mission does not start, and the next player in line becomes the new "leader" for that round. This continues until either a mission is approved, or 5 consecutive mission teams are rejected (in which case the spies win automatically.)

Once a mission team is approved, those players will PM me their choice of action during that mission. Resistance players will ALWAYS choose to have the mission succeed by sending "Success," while spies have a choice: they can either elect to have the mission succeed (to throw off suspicion), or they can "Sabotage" the mission.


Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Jan-24-2017 03:25

Now if only Molly was playing we would have our three spies and the game would be over. :)

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Jan-24-2017 03:25


Fatima Blusch covering for Sleuth Sindy.

Cathy Rose
Cathy Rose
Lucky Stiff

Jan-24-2017 03:29

Good one Sindy.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jan-24-2017 03:44

If anyone is more rotten than I it's Molly. I'd love to have her on my spy team.


Jan-24-2017 03:55

I am reading Yeti as resistance. His fishing skill isn't that bad, but i can do better.

And Devi picking Bela. If she and Bela are spy, that would lead us to a weird game. However, if only Devi is spy, and Bela isn't or vice versa. It will lead probably to same scenario that the mission outcome will fail with 1 sabotaging it.

But this crap only applies If Yeti is resistance. This is the only reading I have. No readings yet from Devi and Bela.

The Announcer
The Announcer

Jan-24-2017 05:50

Devi has chosen to give OPINION MAKER to Yeti. Yeti must vote on this thread whether or not to approve a mission for the rest of the game.

Devi has chosen to keep NO CONFIDENCE for herself.


Mission 1, Team 1

Team Leader: Devi
Team Proposal: Devi, Yeti, Bela

It is now time for the players to vote to either approve or reject this mission proposal. When you do vote, please send me a PM stating "Mission 1, Team 1: YES/NO."

L.A. Haze
L.A. Haze
Old Shoe

Jan-24-2017 08:35

I think giving someone who has publicly stated that he's a spy, the opinion maker option and choosing them for the 1st mission is an excellent choice, it forces them to publicly vote first for every round thereafter making it very difficult for them to give a plausible reason for any negative vote they might wish to cast. If Yeti is what he's claiming, he's muddying the waters and essentially taking a bullet to help cover for the other spies. But what I'm puzzled over is why anyone on the resistance team would claim to be a spy publicly, where's the advantage? The spies already know their co-conspirators, so I do believe that Yeti is what he claims. Now who are his other saboteurs. As to retaining the other option for herself, I think that this also is the right move but only if Devi is truly in the resistance. Spies beware, we are looking for you, and if we look for you we will find you, so be very careful.

L.A. Haze
L.A. Haze
Old Shoe

Jan-24-2017 08:37

Sorry that was Lou, wrong log in.

Lou Hoyle
Lou Hoyle

Jan-24-2017 08:50

If I'm missing something or my logic is flawed I'm asking my other resistance teammates to help me, I believe that we should win this 1st mission. Yeti has already voted his approval, thus making it difficult for either of the others to vote no without a really good reason, or risk giving themselves away.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jan-24-2017 08:59

So does that mean you'll be voting YES to this one, Lou?

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