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Hard Level Case Failure
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James_Bond 007
James_Bond 007

Oct-7-2016 12:00

I a little bemused.

I was doing a hard level favor for the Barber and picked up two threads at the crime scene. I had three suspects with false alibis and two of them didn't match either thread, which left one remaining suspect. However, when I accused him I was informed that I had accused the wrong person - that the killer was one of the suspects who didn't match either thread.

How can this be?



Jan-2-2017 08:50

I usually follow the formula WE + False Alibi = Guilty, but several times I've had a suspect with a false alibi lie about WE and point to someone else with a false alibi. I end up accusing an innocent person. Has anyone else ever had this problem?

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Jan-2-2017 15:33

If you come across a case again where you have a WE + a False Alibi and you get an FA hit the back arrow and take screen shots and send them to Yeti.

The guilty suspect will always have 2 WE, a suspect with a real alibi can have WE as well, but will only have 1. But if you have WE + a False Alibi something went haywire.

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Jan-2-2017 15:34

Pardon me - if you have a WE + a False alibi and get an FA something went haywire.

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