The richest detective!
Ebony Villanueva
Jun-13-2016 07:23
The wealthiest sleuth here has amassed a fortune of $27215708, which seems an absolutely ginormous pile of dollars to me. I would love to know who that is! :D
Any guesses, fellow sleuths?
Replies |
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Jun-13-2016 07:58
Good odds on it being either Riza Hawkeye or Lady Jas I'd say.
Real McCoy
Jun-13-2016 12:18
With that kind of money you should have the option to buy a golf court and a swimming pool.
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Jun-13-2016 12:33
It's not me. I actually have nowhere close to that amount.
Pinball Amateur
Jun-13-2016 12:50
I used to have quite a bit, but then I started an Agency. And you Rookies think yer broke. ;-)
Ebony Villanueva
Jun-14-2016 02:18
Real McCoy and twenty-seven four-room penthouses as well. *_*
Jun-14-2016 07:14
There should be more real estate available than just penthouses. Like a Transylvanian castle for example. Or a hacienda.
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Jun-14-2016 22:19
My guess is that it's Shady, that dirty dog.
Or possibly Squirrel after raking in all the money from the VH Tournament betting pool.
Ebony Villanueva
Jun-15-2016 00:26
You're probably right, Sindy. I never thought of Shady at all!
But considering the time Noir and Shady were born, I'd have expected him to hoard much more black money than a *measly* $27215708. 😌 After all, there have been 653941 FAs so far!
Ebony Villanueva
Jun-15-2016 00:30
Your ideas are good, BadAss.
Personally, I'd have loved a haunt where sleuths and crooks could meet and discuss *things*. xD
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-15-2016 09:22
Breit, you think agencies are expensive? Try flying solo. I pay so many bribes I can legally claim them as a tax deduction.