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the integrity of the game.

my collie, checkers
my collie, checkers

Aug-12-2015 16:48

....i see where private messages are been sent for years to speak of wanted things.

....the meaning of the game, given away....

....the meaning of the game given away...

....this is not the meaning of the game...

....the first meaning of the game was artistry...

...the second meaning of the game was artistry....

....but then came the the second meaning of the game was fortune..

...then there is not my place to state.

....but above it all, the meaning of the game is truth....

....i decry the "private messages" that tell one how to win the game....

....i decry the private lists where secrets of the game aare used... play the game well, to play it for the artistry of itself, it to play it blind... play it ask for no seek nothing you have not earned... play the game as it was did hannab the mormon....


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