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Detective Notes Part Two Consultation
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Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

May-19-2015 12:59

Now that the Detective's Notes have been passed by the community survey, it's time to finish touching them up and add any features that were missing from the first implementation. I've done enough work on it now that I can show everyone where it's currently at, and you can all chime in and let me know what you think.

The biggest addition will be a witness evidence version of the notebook, shown in the following screen shot. It only displays suspects that have not been ruled out, so you can focus on going after your important targets. In the screen shot example if we were to ask Rashad Morcos about Wagdy Mikhail, then Rashad would then be crossed off Wagdy's list. I ultimately intend to include townie hints in this notebook.

The second picture I have shows the evidence list being listed on the suspect description page. The aim behind this is to allow players to read the suspect's description to see if they have the potential to match any of the evidence - therefore saving diligent Sleuths an alibi question on particular cases.

In the same vein of question saving, I'm currently thinking about including the option to rule out individual pieces of evidence. This might be handy for example if one deduces a piece of evidence must match an innocent suspect. Rather than using a question to check the evidence against the innocent suspect you'll instead be able to strike it out of the notes yourself to allow for easier reading.

Please do let me know what you think, and like before I'll post more screen shots as the development and consultation process continues.



Jun-2-2015 11:15

Ahhh, I thought I was missing something lol. I like the idea of having SS or KN written on the detectives notes. I check the WE as my last resort so it would be nice to see it on the detectives notes instead of having to click the case tab and keeping a track.

Thanks for all your work, the detectives notes are really good

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-2-2015 11:53

SS and KN on the physical notes seems like a firm favourite. You're very welcome for my work. :)


Jun-4-2015 11:31

OK now i know Jusmah has been doing some work on a google add-on, now i'm not a fan of automation although i did use the sleuth helper, but the background themes that has been created are pretty cool. Is there anyway of incorporating them through the normal website as a background theme? I'm currently looking at the green screen that was created and its kinda nice to see a different colour other than black

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-4-2015 11:54

We can do that, yes. In fact, if Ben agrees it'd probably be possible to allow the background themes (such as the ones from factions) to also change how the rest of the site is coloured. For example the Eastern Triads theme could wind up turning the site to various shades of purple. However, even with Ben's blessing, I wouldn't be able to start work on that for at least a few months. For the time being if you want to see the site in different colours, Jusmah is the man to go to.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-6-2015 17:05

I've worked out it won't be too difficult to move the Detective's Notes on the evidence page after all to be more in tune with the Notes on the map.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-7-2015 01:33

Another thing I've been quite keen on doing is including research and fortune buttons above the right column, like this:

I think it'd be best if these buttons only appeared on incredibly hard or above cases - very much buttons for use with more experienced players. However, they would appear on the page of every townie and suspect, as well as the main map.

Narratively I'd add some text to the fortune and research pages, so it'll state something similar to, "I walked over to the Gypsy Camp intent on getting my fortune told" at the start of the descriptive text, so as to try and prevent it seeming like 'teleporting'.

Please let me know what you think.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jun-7-2015 02:08

I prefer having the notes on the side (you can see it all at the same time without having to scroll down), but maybe that's just me.

I have the research page on speed dial (it doubles up as a log-in page) but the buttons would be welcome. I don't really need it to be on all the townie and suspect pages; I'd be happy with just having it on the map. I'm fine with it being only on the higher-level cases too; it might be a lot of work for the server (is that the right word?) and I will still have my speed dial :D

Yes on the "don't-think-of-it-as-teleporting-I-have-some-text-that-says-otherwise" text; it might be tricky having the same thing go for all the cities' FTs, but I'm sure you'll come up with something.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-7-2015 03:12

The notes on the side makes more sense from a functionality point of view, I agree. It's the sort of thing that can be examined properly when the website is updated to deal with mobiles. The problem is that no other area of the site uses that right hand side of the screen - so the notes just look like they've been jammed in there. Which they were. This way is neater and fits in with the current design of the site - and also keeps the notes out of the way for anyone who doesn't want to use them.

Don't worry about the server - it's handled more than creating two links and a check to see whether or not they appear. I want new players to still have to find and work out the point of getting a fortune told, or where to go in order to carry out research, instead of the buttons just being there. Perhaps though a better way of checking whether or not they should appear would be to use the detective's experience, that way experienced detectives can still use the buttons on lower level cases but newer detectives are still cut off from the short cuts.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jun-7-2015 03:37

Oh, I meant maybe having it (the buttons) everywhere would be a lot of work for the server since I didn't really get why it wouldn't be on all cases and thought maybe that was it. Maybe XP is the way to go; you'd have to figure out a suitable number, but once you get there, there's a sense of accomplishment for unlocking this extra.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jun-7-2015 05:38

You know what the definition of a terrible mistake it? Turns out, according to Merriam-Webster, it's Yeti putting the Notes on the evidence page to the bottom, instead of keeping it at the side. I tried playing a case properly with them there, and it was awful. The information in that case definitely all needs to be on a single screen, and not constant scrolling. So I've popped it back to the side again, seen here:

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