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Looking for somewhere to hang your hat?
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Jan-9-2005 15:51

So you want to join an agency? (I guess that's why you're here)

Do you want to work for hours and hours, slaving away at cases and favours just to be pipped at the post by another agency?

We don't either.

YES we do like to take on some detective work, YES we do like to work on the occasional hunt, YES we like to help out our fellow detectives.
But what we really love is enjoying ourselves. A 40 hour week - not likely! That's why we have the refurbished mansion for our base. It is much more fun just sitting around the pool, sipping pina colada's and having a good old chat.
If the sun goes behind a cloud, then we try a case or two. That happens more than we care to admit, but you have to do what you have to do :)

We want both experienced and non-experienced agents alike. So if you are keen to enjoy all of the benefits of an agency without all of the demands, then leave your name below or contact myself, Greyling or Kay for more information.



Mar-15-2005 15:02

well, we are now looking for one more detective..

go on, we know you want to! :)


Mar-16-2005 08:02

come on people a bacardi swilling officer, directors obssessed with a non-existent pool and a bald woman, what more could you ask for! ;) Really laid back team who are happy to help each other! Due to demographics of members there is usually someone on whatever time of day, no need to feel lonely!!! If interested contact almost anyone in the agency :}


Mar-16-2005 08:34

Who wouldn't want to join an agency with all those perks? I am very interested.....I hope you are too.


Mar-17-2005 22:36

I would like to join, is there still an opening? If there is, I am interested.


Mar-18-2005 01:54

Hi Josephine,
I'm really sorry, but we're full again (I wish we had a bigger place, so we wouldn't have to turn anyone down). However, detectives looking for work are in high demand so I'm sure you will have lots of offers to choose between in no time if you say you're looking for work :)

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