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Small Update Suggestions
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Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

May-13-2015 23:42

I've started work on the next update for Sleuth, and as promised it's going to be a content update. However, it's going to take a while before any of you see it, at least two months, potentially far longer than that.

Now I would hate to leave you all in the Sleuth wilderness, totally devoid of changes, so every one to two weeks I'll create an update from the suggestions you give here. An example of a small update (from the desk of Bela Talbot III) would be including your most recent fortune telling in the case file so long as you haven't discovered any new suspects since then.

Whilst this is going on I'll also fix up the small bugs lying around the game. For example, there's a certain accessory devouring fox that needs reining in, and possibly relocating. So don't worry about suggesting bug fixes here. Keep it to small things you'd like to see, or small annoyances you'd like changed.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-10-2017 09:08

I'm looking for someone to build an elevator that goes straight to my apartment, no stops at the lobby just zoom up to my nest. It could be a tab or an icon beside the other locations. I'd pay big bucks for this luxurious feature.

Washed Up Punter

Apr-10-2017 09:57

For myself, I made a bookmark for this feature, which could be a temporary workaround.

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-11-2017 08:21

Aha! Good idea glasse. Although I still want the velvet cushioned walls with brass rails and a mirror. No musak though.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Apr-12-2017 04:16

I hear you, Sophie4. I change gear several times while solving cases. I just can't settle for 89% when I can change gear and get 115%. :)

HOWEVER, I have found it's actually more beneficial to keep 3 Sleuth tabs open in my browser: one for case solving, one open to the Large Armoir in my bedroom where I store all my alternate interview gear, and one open to my Agency Equipment Locker. This way if you're interviewing someone and have to apply some pressure to get them to cooperate you don't have to leave the interview and risk them dying before you get back. You just click on the tab you need, change your gear, then go back to the tab with the interview.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Apr-12-2017 04:18

Back at the interview screen click the link to calculate your chances and the screen will recalculate based on your new gear. Then proceed with the appropriate interview skill.

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-12-2017 08:33

Clever! It never occured to me that that would work. I though you'd automatically leave the room to change. Thanks Sindy!

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Apr-14-2017 00:41

I wish I could take credit for thinking that trick up myself, but I found it in the Sleuth Mythbusters thread. :D An old dog *can* learn some new tricks.


Apr-15-2017 11:40

Not sure if anyone noticed but from now we can immediately click on the runaway suspect after using underworld connections. It may seem a small thing but it's definitely an improvement for which I'm grateful!

Hail Yeti :)

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Apr-15-2017 12:54

That's right, two years later and the small updates are rolling out totally on schedule! *Cough cough*

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Apr-16-2017 02:59

I noticed that one too. I don't use it much because I tend to find out about runaways while I'm doing my 'check for death' run and not actually wanting to talk to anybody, but I did think it was a good idea.

Yeti, I'll send some cough lozenges over.

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