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Small Update Suggestions
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Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

May-13-2015 23:42

I've started work on the next update for Sleuth, and as promised it's going to be a content update. However, it's going to take a while before any of you see it, at least two months, potentially far longer than that.

Now I would hate to leave you all in the Sleuth wilderness, totally devoid of changes, so every one to two weeks I'll create an update from the suggestions you give here. An example of a small update (from the desk of Bela Talbot III) would be including your most recent fortune telling in the case file so long as you haven't discovered any new suspects since then.

Whilst this is going on I'll also fix up the small bugs lying around the game. For example, there's a certain accessory devouring fox that needs reining in, and possibly relocating. So don't worry about suggesting bug fixes here. Keep it to small things you'd like to see, or small annoyances you'd like changed.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Nov-4-2015 14:00

You're absolutly right Yeti, I don't have a clue as to how to do these things. Perhaps I was suggusting too much, my apologies. I do appreciate all the improvements you have made so far :)

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Nov-4-2015 15:44

I'm very sorry Sophie, I did not mean to come across as flippant. You've suggested more gambling a few times in various places, and whilst I'm happy to include more of it when I get around to revamping the ship it is not something I want to include as an isolated update.

However, if you want to scratch your gambling itch more immediately then you should open your own bookies! The ambassador's next location is a good example of a bets you could make with other players. There's a 1/4 chance the ambassador will travel to a given city the next day, so you invite players to bet at 3/1 on a city of their choice. Let's say someone bets you $100 that the ambassador will travel to London. If he does then you give that player $400, and if he does not then you keep the $100. Just make a thread called "Sophie's Bookies", or some such, and your Detective's wild new side career can begin.

Melanie D'lish
Melanie D'lish
Big Winner

Nov-19-2015 11:15

Just had an idea for a skill point sink.

If there is a particular contact that you want but don't have then you can spend a suitable amount of skill points - say 100? - on swapping a contact. But you'd only be able to swap a non-evidence townie for similar (eg butcher for music teacher), and an evidence-townie for similar (eg barber for calligraphist).

Just a thought :)

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Nov-22-2015 18:23

Yes. That. 1000 times that.

I'd be okay sinking skill and/or cash to simply dump a contact and earn a different one the old fashioned way.

Every time this comes up there's resistance to being able to lightly switch contacts, so maybe make it something you can only do after a favor for that contact (they're just too needy) or if your contact harbors a villian (you obviously don't want to associate with such people any longer).

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Nov-26-2015 04:25

A small tweak that won't affect gameplay: can the "Buy Furniture" button in apartments be moved up to the "Furniture" header? That SHOULD leave room for three items in each room without needIng that awful scroll bar. I would love to have more decoration in my apartment but hate the scroll bar.


Mar-25-2016 09:02

I'm all in favor for contact swapping (with 3 shoe makers, 2 barbers and 2 fortune tellers it's understandable).

Another small addendum might be introducing a new skill, namely necromancy. In the event that a suspect dies during an investigation you might still get some info out of him/her from the hereafter. You could go to the fortune teller i.e. and ask for a seance. It could work randomly such as hypnosis.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Mar-29-2016 21:55

With the population of Sleuth down somewhat it's not as difficult to become a faction head, but still I think it would make things a little more interesting if things got shook up a bit once in a while.

I was thinking that just randomly either when a random player goes to do a little job for a faction (or perhaps as a twist in a case) there was a message from an unknown informant in the faction that their was a coup underway to takeover the the faction and they're nominating YOU!! You could choose to accept or decline but you would have to answer all three questions correctly before it was finalized, and the questions of course would have to be different questions than the normal ones. Or, if you went the direction of a twist during a case, then the outcome could be dependent on you successfully completing the case. Maybe the twists would only happen when you're playing AI cases?

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Mar-30-2016 05:42

In like manner, you could randomly get a twist when you do a favor for a contact. They could tell you that the faction is really pressuring them to stop providing you with information. You would then have the option to "release" that townie from his obligation to you, or pressure him to continue to give him information. If you release him, you would then be able free to find another contact - but one wouldn't be given to you automatically.

Kent Brooks
Kent Brooks

Mar-30-2016 16:55

Add more abilities, like... i don't know.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Mar-31-2016 02:16

I'd love to revamp factions. Great ideas Sindy.

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