Featured Mystery #3 - Sunday at 11AM, Mountian Time
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
May-20-2004 09:28
On Sunday, we'll launch our first player written Featured Mystery.
The Clutch of the Green Specter, written by your very own, Wayne Williams Jr. It is a very long mystery, in terms of the amount of reading involved. We'll have another contest. The first to solve it, without first getting a false accusation, wins a Magic Top Hat. Wayne will be inelligible to enter, of course.
Thanks to Wayne for taking the time to write this mystery. It looks really good, so I'm looking forward to seeing all of your reactions.
Please leave any questions or comments about The Clutch of The Green Specter in this thread.
Replies |
May-24-2004 14:33
congrats wayne on your mystery. too bad i cant subscribe i would really like to read it.
Wayne Williams Jr.
May-25-2004 05:28
Thanks, reda. Maybe you could work out a way to get subscribed, or better still, contribute a featured mystery of your own to get some free subcription?
Also thanks to Sleuth Admin, Ellie, Justice, james and sirgarr for your kind comments. I really would like more feedback from other players, but I know it's kinda hard because we don't want to reveal spoilers. But I'll write something here to spark off some discussion, hopefully.
1) What did you feel about the characters and the development of certain NPCs in this story?
2) What were your thoughts as you were reading the conclusion?
3) Would you at least NOT mind seeing another featured mystery written by Wayne Williams Jr. in future?
*Any comment or critique put in a polite and sensible manner will definitely be considered. :)
May-25-2004 19:11
***Potential spoilers***
(1) Oh yeah, it was cool hearing more about the main NPC. (One thing that is interesting by the way is to think about the thing he said and why it was true -- it's a nice twist how you might interpret it.) Use of evidence with other NPCs = good too. The indirect referral by one angry NPC to another NPC was kinda confusing but good to have something -like- that, maybe just less confusing though.
(2) The first time, it was just really cool seeing things click together. The laughing transition was kinda weird, the very end of the scene was kind of abrupt. Like others said the final final piece was great. The second time I did the mystery, I was like, "Oh yeah I guess that's kind of obvious" but it certianly wasn't the first time.
(3) By all means, write another one. :)
Fat Chuck
May-25-2004 22:10
Wayne, Simply brilliant! Outstanding! Do you really have another in the works? Can't wait.
May-31-2004 20:34
sweeeeeeeet nice work
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