Featured Mystery #3 - Sunday at 11AM, Mountian Time
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
May-20-2004 09:28
On Sunday, we'll launch our first player written Featured Mystery.
The Clutch of the Green Specter, written by your very own, Wayne Williams Jr. It is a very long mystery, in terms of the amount of reading involved. We'll have another contest. The first to solve it, without first getting a false accusation, wins a Magic Top Hat. Wayne will be inelligible to enter, of course.
Thanks to Wayne for taking the time to write this mystery. It looks really good, so I'm looking forward to seeing all of your reactions.
Please leave any questions or comments about The Clutch of The Green Specter in this thread.
Replies |
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
May-23-2004 14:01
Sorry, it will be another 10 minutes or so.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
May-23-2004 14:21
The new mystery is up. Sorry for the delay.
Captain Krishna
May-23-2004 14:52
Good case. There were a LOT of twists at the end.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
May-23-2004 14:53
Wow! We have a winner already.
Captain Krishna solved The Clutch of The Green Specter first. He wins a Magic Top Hat.
Congratulations Captain.
And thanks again to Wayne Williams Jr, for submitting such a fun mystery. Very cool. It was actually a little better than this, but I had to shoe-horn it into working with the current featured mystery system.
Wayne Williams Jr.
May-23-2004 14:58
I'm having a lot of problems with it. Eg. I get an error message when trying to interview Celeste Bales. Anyone having problems?
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
May-23-2004 15:02
Hmm, I just played through it quickly (without reading most of the text of course) and I didn't get any error messages.
I noticed that one problem, but it didn't block completing the mystery.
Also, after my adjustments, the evidence doesn't really track your progress as well. I had to make those changes though, because you did some things that the system couldn't really handle, like revelaing new physical evidence after asking one of those unlockable questions.
Wayne Williams Jr.
May-23-2004 15:04
I'm also getting pop-ups at every click. Anyway to stop it?
Captain Krishna
May-23-2004 15:06
Thanks Wayne, it really was a well crafted mystery. I thought I hit a wall at one point but it was just a matter of talking to someone again. This is Ellie Etnes by the way, I was thinking about treasure hunts instead of your mystery and completely forgot to save a case or two. So I jumped on my roommates account.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
May-23-2004 15:11
Wayne, I'm going to log on as you for a second. I don't know why you would be getting popup errors.
Ellie Etnes
May-23-2004 15:12
Uh-oh. You probably can't see my PM's then. Cheers, Wayne.