Word association
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Aug-26-2013 07:43
A part of all the message board tomfoolery :)
So I think of a word, and give all of you three clues to guess the word I'm thinking of...simple :)
I'll kick off with my personal favourite, one of the only ones I was able to get my friends to guess... (oh, and we can go one clue at a time, or all three together; and if we wanna interact, the person giving everybody clues will give the winner the next word :)
1. Italy
Replies |
Sherlock Holmes123456789
May-5-2014 16:27
1.) It is green
2.) It likes water
3.) You can step on it
Kensha Starr
May-6-2014 17:36
Sherlock: A turtle?
Sherlock Holmes123456789
May-6-2014 19:46
No. You shall never guess this one! (laughs evilly)
Queen Cersei
Elf - 2nd Class
May-6-2014 20:43
A plant?
Sherlock Holmes123456789
May-7-2014 21:10
Umm...yes, but you have to guess what plant! It's very easy, and quite common.
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
May-19-2014 07:49
Sherlock Holmes123456789
May-20-2014 07:28
Sherlock Holmes123456789
Sep-17-2014 14:51
1.) It melts
2.) It can be any color
3.) Is usually wrapped in paper
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Sep-24-2014 06:29
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-24-2014 07:07