Sleuthville AVH Tournament 2013
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Apr-30-2013 08:40
Greetings, fellow Sleuths! The time has come once again for the annual Sleuthville Arch-Villain Hunt Tournament, where experienced detectives and newcomers alike come together to show off their villain-nabbing skills and make the city a safer place. What better way to spend a hot summer day than with a little friendly competition?
The format will be 16 detectives, randomly paired off into teams of two by a third party, to face one other team. (This hunt will go forward only if there are enough players participating [16]. If not, the tournament will be cancelled altogether.)
The rules:
- As soon as you are matched up with your partner, please POST your team name on this thread.
- Either PM me or POST here as soon as possible if you find that your hunt goes through Cairo, so I can keep accurate records.
- In the spirit of competition, trash-talking is allowed and encouraged, just as long as it is friendly and appropriate.
- You may not PM me to ask for any AVH hunt help or advice.
- If you are unable to compete in a round for whatever reason, you are allowed to ask someone to sub in for you for that round only. This privilege may only be used once per team, and only in emergencies. The player who is subbing in for you may be anyone who is not competing in the current round, even someone who was not initially entered in the competition.
-You bear the responsibility of making sure your partner shows up. No replacements are allowed in this case.
You may:
-Travel to Shangri-La the night before, but NOT start the hunt
-Use a Compact Travel Kit
-Use head of faction privileges
-Use agencies and apartments to swap gear
You may not (enforced only by the honor code):
-Use sidekick cases (for either clues or travel)
-Enter second/third detectives etc.
I reserve the right to disqualify any player from this competition at any time for breaking any of the rules or for behaving inappropriately. All final decisions rest with me.
Replies |
Carrie Mehome
Jun-3-2013 04:14
I also am starting in Cairo. Are these villains having a convention here?
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe
Jun-3-2013 05:11
They're there plotting on how to take us down.
Mine started in Shanghai, though.
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-3-2013 05:16
Yup, almost 80% of them start out in Cairo :)
Peter, where are you? I should have known something was wrong when you didn't try to win as the last poster...
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe
Jun-3-2013 06:40
Mine has moved to Delhi.
I think my villain is trying to be "different".
And I hope he does show up, Bella.
Jun-3-2013 06:49
I'm starting off in Shanghai, my home city :-) Andrew and I will get together and choose a team name and post it later today. Good luck everyone and don't forget, this is a friendly competition so no hanky panky to get your opponents sidetracked by leaving false clues or bribing some townies to clam up on them. Lets play fair (snickers).
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe
Jun-3-2013 06:54
No chocolate for those who don't.
And you don't want that to happen, do you, ladies and gentleman?
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-3-2013 07:20
No chocolate? *blink. blink. blink.*
Of COURSE, I won't be creating any mischief *scampers to clear the list of false clues*, at all, do I look like *un-bribes the townies* someone who would do that? No! Good luck, all ;)
And, yeah, my first Villain was a Sabina Zabala too, except she was a Magistrate...guess your Villain doesn't want to live in my Villain's shadow,and is trying to grab some eyeballs! :)
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe
Jun-3-2013 07:26
Good girl. You can get chocolate now.
And I guess it's possible. I'm trying to get that slippery lady, but will have to wait till tomorrow to go to Delhi. Meh.
Now, behave, or I won't give your partner ba... I mean...
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
Jun-3-2013 08:18
LOL! :)
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe
Jun-3-2013 08:18
Don't worry. I'm feeding him. :-)