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Nemeses Captured!
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Dec-19-2012 19:59
(sticky post)

I bow in humbleness to Sleuth Andrew Corelli who is the first to capture his Nemeses and did it in 33 clues. All the props bro!


Misha Stevens
Misha Stevens
Battered Shoe

Mar-24-2020 02:21

Mar-23-2020 17:02
Nemesis Thwarted!
miss snopes has finally tracked down one of the most nefarious criminals in the known world, after an agonizing hunt in which the heroic detective successfully solved diabolical puzzles and risked life and limb during the pursuit.

A big congrats to miss snopes for catching her nemesis and evading all the Furore obstacles!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Mar-24-2020 06:08

Thank you Misha! I held my breath with every new task I got.

Old Shoe

Mar-24-2020 06:36

WOO HOO! Congrats, miss snopes! Great work!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Mar-24-2020 19:44

Thank you Copaiba! It only took me 2,669 days. :D

Con Artist

Mar-26-2020 22:30

Hi all....I'm Missy's ^ alter ego and as she is currently in Shangri La, I'm asking this for her:

Does anyone know why she gets logged out everytime she tries to claim her reward for catching her nemesis? Is this a known glitch?

Misha Stevens
Misha Stevens
Battered Shoe

Mar-27-2020 02:50

Hi BKP - I'm also an alter ego (St Val/Miranda from Noir) and I haven't come across this problem before. Sounds like a new glitch. What a pain - to make it all the way to catching your nemesis and then not being able to claim the reward.

All I can suggest (apart from reporting as a bug) is trying different browsers. It worked for me once when I kept getting logged out for a different reason.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Mar-27-2020 06:41

Ah, so you were the last the catch your nemesis before me. I think I'm glad it's a new glitch so I have yet a little hope that it might get resolved. I will give the browsers a try. I know he doesn't log in that often anymore but I did message SS last night as I know he's been an excellent Tailor creating new reward items for us here. If the different browsers doesn't work, I will try the bug report.

Thank you! I'm glad to see you're still around. :D

Dr. Girlfriend
Dr. Girlfriend

Apr-8-2020 14:06

Hello there, I am playing again after a very long hiatus. Can anyone explain to me what exactly the Nemesis function does?

Katya Stevens
Katya Stevens

Apr-22-2020 01:00

Apr-21-2020 19:02
Nemesis Foiled!
Sophie Fine has finally tracked down one of the most nefarious criminals in the known world, after an agonizing hunt in which the heroic detective successfully solved diabolical puzzles and risked life and limb during the pursuit.

Great work, Sophie, congrats!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Apr-24-2020 23:02

Congrats Sophie! I hope to see more of these coming through in upcoming days. :D

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