lost in a blizzard of lie
Mar-27-2012 17:59
...this was a scribble left on a napkin at the astoria hotel, new york city, in 1925...
...a dead man was found at the table...
...a great new york police detective lifted the glass at the dead man's body and smelt a very high degree of caffiene...
...a german waiter took the "maryland" to bremen the next day...
..the dead man was a member of the rothschild banking family ( the red shield }...
...the cousin of meyer lansky who became the "hitman" for the mafia...
...who is the dead man and why was he killed ?
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-7-2012 08:04
The door slammed as I walked into Dr. Eliah Carruth's office. "Well, well, well," the doctor said looking up from his work. "Look at what the wind blew in. Sgt. Marc Lacrimosa and his partner in crime, Sgt. Tim Sullivan of NYPD's finest. What can I do you boys for?" He asked with a smile.
"That's 'Sully' to you," Sully said. "We're here for the John Doe murder. The guy that was found by that waiter...Yeah that one." Sully replied.
"Ah," Dr. Carruth said standing from his chair. "Follow me." He lead us down a dimly lit hallway and into a large room with several small refrigerators, each filled with one body. He went to the last one on the bottom in the let side of the room, and slid the body out. Then he moved it to a large table.
"The victim is a male, roughly in his early to mid forties." Carruth started. I quickly grabbed my notebook. "Cause of death?" I asked.
"He died of a seizure from being poisoned. I opened his stomach and found something crystallized along his stomach wall. Consistent with ricin. He said with a frown.
"Ricin?" Sully asked.
"Yes," Dr. Carruth said. "Ricin comes from the castor oil plant. A few small grains can kill someone. Symptoms usually include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, and seizures. That usually persists for up to a week, then they start getting blood in the urine and even urinating ricin too."
"Doc, how is this relevant. Did he have any of those symptoms?" I asked. Sully pulled out his camera and snapped a picture of the body.
"Possibly. I can't say for sure. His pants weren't soiled and I didn't see any traces of him vomiting. I did find that he had a seizure though which lead to his death. I don't think he died in that restaurant. Someone cleaned him up and moved him there."
"Thanks, doc," I said. Sully and I left.
"So where do we begin?" I asked him. Sully turned and looked at me. "I'll go develop the film, then go to the Hall of Records to see if I can get a name with the victim." Sully said.
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-7-2012 08:07
"The developing of the film could take a day or so so we'll meet up tomorrow evening at Sami's," he said.
I always took orders from him. Sully had been on the force 10 years longer than me. How I made it up to Sgt like him was beyond me. Everyone said I made a great case man but really I just did my job. It didn't take me long to make it to homicide after I came home from the Great War, and soon I became his partner.
"Alright," I said. I'm going to go down to the restaurant where he was found and see if I can get some questions in from the waiter who found him.
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-7-2012 08:07
"The developing of the film could take a day or so so we'll meet up tomorrow evening at Sami's," he said.
I always took orders from him. Sully had been on the force 10 years longer than me. How I made it up to Sgt like him was beyond me. Everyone said I made a great case man but really I just did my job. It didn't take me long to make it to homicide after I came home from the Great War, and soon I became his partner.
"Alright," I said. I'm going to go down to the restaurant where he was found and see if I can get some questions in from the waiter who found him."
Abreeana Jones
Apr-7-2012 08:49
Once I arrived at the restaurant it was closed, but I saw someone inside cleaning. I started beating on the door to get the person's attention and they finally came to the door. It turned out to be the waiter. "Why would you be cleaning up this is still an active crime scene and you could be cleaning up evidence!"
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize that," he said. The way he said that made me realize that he was lying and knew he shouldn't be anywhere near this place. The more I see this guy the more I think he is either the killer or just a flucky following orders.
After I told him to leave, Sully showed up telling me that the photos came back early and he had gotten a hit on who the John Doe was. " Marc, our John Doe's name is Pete Thompson." After Sully told me that, I thought the vic's name sounded so familiar. Where did I know this name from? And then I realized........