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About "Little Jobs"


Jan-11-2012 09:21

If we first take on a little job and then refuse to do it, does our standing with the other factions improve?

or, does the job wait till we do it?

if it does wait, what if we quit a case that is for this particular faction and not against it,
is the job we chose to suspend still there to be solved?

If we want to do two factions at a time, would you suggest we quit cases that are against the second faction we are after, provided that our standing with the faction in priority is taken under control?


Night Queen
Night Queen
Old Shoe

Jan-11-2012 11:27

Great questions, raci.

The Little Jobs are not related to cases at all. To do a Little Job for a faction, your standing has to be 1 or higher. You cannot do more than one Little Job per day. A Little Job will affect your standings with every faction in that city.

If you fail to even attempt a Little Job, it does not affect standings with any faction even after being told which townie has the questions.

Now about affecting faction standings--other than with Little Jobs:
If a regular case affects your political standings, there will be two factions mentioned. If you solve that case, it affects one faction standing positively by 1 point, and affects the other faction standing negatively by 1 point. If you quit that case, the reverse is true.

With favor cases, you cannot affect political standings by solving a favor case. BUT, you can affect them reversely if you quit a favor case. This is true only if the twist pops up saying your political standings won't change.

Hope that clarifies things.


Jan-12-2012 01:07

Night Queen thank you for the reply but I know about what little jobs do in general and what cases that affect standings do. I think I have to restate my question:

My goal is to improve my standing with two factions at the same time. Say faction A and faction B. I already have a positive standing(12) with A. But I have a negative standing with B(-6).

I am trying to imrove my standing with B till it is 1, without letting my standing with A dropping below 1.

Cases are random so when I have cases -if solved- that are for A and against B
should I quit them in order to get my standing with B to improve? (and keep controlling A with little jobs only when needed till both A and B are positive)

Or should I focus on improving my standing with factions one at a time, no matter what happens to my standing with the second other faction that I want(A first and then B when my standing with B is at least at a min of -30)?

Which would be less time consuming?

I am not a native speaker of English. I hope I have stated the question more clearly now.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jan-12-2012 07:45

If you are in NY for instance, there is DAB, OOS, and LCN.

Say DAB is 1 and OOS is 2, you canno't get 2 to positive one without dropping the status of 1 and 3.


Jan-12-2012 12:46

but if your standing with OOS is 15 and that of DAB is -5 for instance,

and you have a case that will further improve your standing with OOS and decrease the one with DAB, you can quit the case,

and let this happen 6 times so that you get +1 DAB and +6 OOS, then you can stop doing little jobs for a while and solve only those cases that will decrease your standing with LCN and quit the rest till DAB>10 and OOS>20 so that if you do two little jobs for OOS, DAB will still be >0, therefore you can start to improve your standing with DAB by doing little jobs as soon as you pick hypnotism.

What I am asking is which would take less time,

going straight for each faction skill one at a time, or trying to improve both at the same time?

Night Queen
Night Queen
Old Shoe

Jan-13-2012 09:13

It takes a lot of effort to elevate standings with multiple factions. You have to be willing to quit cases. In some cases, you have to be willing to travel a lot. That can be quite expensive and can cause you needless frustrations.

It is much simpler to shoot for high standings with one faction, and let things fall where they will with the other factions. Try to maintain specific goals and then order them in a way that fits you best.

For instance, if you are trying to get a faction skill from faction A, and get the lowest price on some special equipment from faction B. It is better to prioritze and do one thing at a time.

With a list, you can also see where the cards fall with the secondary factions, and steer things in a minor way for your next goal. Over time, you will meet all your goals.

Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Jan-18-2012 12:53

Night queen thank you very much (Formerly I was Raci - wanted a fresh start)

I was lucky this time to get both factions positive and on the go. I do little jobs alternatingly. +5 for one means -2 for the other faction so 2 days later this amounts to +3 for each (in general, I sometimes get +4 for a little job and not +5)

But I was lucky as most of my beginner level cases were in favor of factions OOS and LCN, and against DAB. I hope I2ll get them going. Meanwhile I'm building up other skills, that is I have to, so no problem with slow faction advances.

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