False Accusations
May-18-2004 14:22
OK, I'm having trouble with false accusations. I'm at two right now and I have $1424 which is about $3000 short of what I need to clear my name. When I finish a case, even on the highest difficulty I'm capable of doing, I have to spend even more money on clearing my name than I recieved from the case. Is it just me or is the cost to clear false accusations a bit insane? I've been getting two pieces of evidence against suspects and they've been wrong lately. Also, I've been extremely unlucky with my Clients being guilty, so I'm getting very little money, if ever. I've had to sell most of my equipment to afford the clearing of my record. Any help would be appreciated including strategies. I am a Tough and Charming character.
Replies |
Ellie Etnes
May-20-2004 02:20
Yes, I think the most likely problem here was a clerical error. I've made mistakes in notetaking before, or more commonly I have incorrectly read what was on my pad.
Jennifer Massoli
May-20-2004 02:46
I just had a really good streak, solving 8 cases on Really Really hard level in a row. So I can't give any examples on what I described earlier. If I get another false acc. I'll let you know what happened. :-)
May-20-2004 02:54
Ok, i'm sorry guys but i'm gonna strongly argue this case. I've solved 59 cases so far and have not falsely accused anyone before...but yesterday, i looked into my friend's case in my agency and got her to accuse the wrong person. Here is what happened:
Difficulty - Really Hard
Suspects - One Male
Evidence against - One witness, One physical
Motive? - Yes
Alibi - Unknown (he clammed up)
Suspect - One female
Evidence against - One witness, One physical
Motive? - Yes
Alibi - None (she said she hasn't got one)
Ok, as you can see, this looked an easy case where i've narrowed it down to only two suspects. As the female has a lack of alibi, a motive plus two evidence, i assumed the male have a valid alibi even if he didn't tell me....the female looked as guilty as anything. My friend (Megamy) then went on and accused the female and it turned out she was innocent and it was the male!!!
i was so shocked and we had to cough up 12,000 to clear her record with the shady dude.
After that i've learned my lesson and agreed with my friend that 'none' is worth less than a 'fake' alibi as we now assumes the male had probably a 'fake' alibi. If you dont believe the details of this case, Megamy can testify this.
As for only needing one piece of evidence, wouldn't it be too easy then? Ok, i assume this is the case since even sleuth admin testified for this...so what happened with this case i mentioned above? any help would be appreciated, p.s. i'm very meticulous and i'm 99% certain the details i put are correct. I'll get Amy to verify this, thanks...
Wayne Williams Jr.
May-20-2004 03:13
Hmm...if you can get the Title of the case maybe Sleuth Admin will check this one for you.
As for others, the fact that it has not happened to us does not mean it definitely can't happen. Like Sleuth Admin says, it could be a very rare bug.
Ellie Etnes
May-20-2004 05:00
Seems perfectly legit to me Justice, between the two of you it's unlikely you made a mistake. Definitely if you get a case like that, write down the name immediately.
Hopefully Sleuth Admin can sort it for you because as far as I can tell, NO alibi is just as valuable as a false one as far as game mechanics "should" work.
May-20-2004 05:48
As everybody here keeps saying, usually a None alibi is less likely to be the culprit than a clammed up alibi. Obviously the clammed up was the guy who did it. Both had the physical and the witness evidence against them.
Personally, I'm not worrying about it. A mistake was made, and well just have to watch it better.
May-20-2004 05:54
unfortunately i cant remember the name of that case...such a pity but if i see such a weird case again (which i doubt) then i'll write down the name.
thanks guys, anyway, i'm solving alot harder cases now that you guys have said only one evidence is required (with motive + fake/none alibi) :-)
May-20-2004 05:59
no Amy, i think ppl are saying a None is just as likely as a Fake...not less likely as a clammed up alibi, that just means he/she clammed up so u just dont know straight away without assumptions...and that woman had None alibi, motive and 2 evidence against her, so as far as how everybody says the game works, she should of been guilty and as such, it was either a rare bug or a rare case :-/
May-20-2004 06:16
But if he had a false alibi that we didn't get, then obviously he takes priority. It was a mistake, we'll watch better next time.
Are we done beating this to death?
Fat Chuck
May-20-2004 07:33
obviously not.