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Where did everybody go?
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M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Nov-4-2011 09:48

It wasn't very long ago that this game was booming and. We all had arguments and ridiculous fights with each other, got over it, apologized, and moved on with this game. Now that I log on, I'm only seeing 9 people a day logged on. Not long ago, I'd log on and see 20 people logged on.

What happened?


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Nov-9-2011 14:05

Come on guys let's stop this ridiculous arguing over stupidity. I'm trying to come with ideas to help this game grow. I think its time we start sharing ideas for this help convince newbies to join this. I remember the Sleuth Survior contest that Heimlich Von Victor held a while back and one of the things they contestants had to do was come up with an advertisement to get new people to join the game.

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