Newest Suspect in the Lineup
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Oct-29-2011 00:00
I'd like to officially announce the newest addition to the Sleuth Admin family.
Sunny gave birth to our second son, Solie Wren (named after my grandpa and Sunny's father) in the eerily earl hours of 10/26. For those of you counting at home, that has the boys outnumbering the girls 3-1 in our house. Fun around the clock.
Thanks to everyone who already sent good wishes. We'll get Solie going on his editor duties just as soon as he gets his foot out of his mouth.
Happy Sleuthing!
Replies |
Beaufort T. Knox
Nov-6-2011 19:03
Nov-28-2011 17:11
Congratulations to you and the entire family! There's nothing in this world more precious than the smile of a little one.
Nov-29-2011 07:27
Gratz Ben and Sunny! Wonderful news
Jan-14-2012 13:18
How is baby Solie doing? I'm so proud for you and Sunny. I wish your family the best of everything in life, most of all, good health and prosperity.
shell marple
Con Artist
Jan-23-2012 18:15