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simple question about physical evidence
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boby marpaung
boby marpaung

Oct-21-2011 01:49

i have 4 physical evidence (footprint, hair, thread, handwriting) in my case. i know each PE always pointing to 1 suspect. my question is: could the guilty suspect having more than 1 PE?

oh, and where can i learn about the technique of eliminating the fake alibi/no alibi/clammed suspect?


boby marpaung
boby marpaung

Oct-21-2011 10:21

no, i already have research. i meant what kind of technique that most of succesfull detective use to eliminate suspect. sometimes i had 5 suspect with fake/no alibi/clammed. lets say we eliminate 1 by research and 1 more by physical evidence. i think it is still impossible to ask each of the witness 3 questions, especially after asking them if they know anyone with a motive and their alibi. i would love to know if you have a smart trick, something like mathematics to eliminate. (exp, if x and y not pointing to z, and if z not pointing to x, then the guilty is surely y, something like that)

anyway, thanks a lot for confirming that guilty suspect is impossible having two PE.


Nov-1-2011 18:14

dunno if my system is the best but here's what I do:
first round of questioning, gather alibis and find suspects
next round research, talk to my contacts
next round check PE for match against only those without alibi
next round ask those without alibi about others without alibi (less questions required)
final round ask those with alibis about those without

I also manage the case with an excel spreadsheet. Only been playing two days so I dont have all the skills yet. but using the spreadsheet saves me from wasting questions.

I'm very interested in hearing other players syntax and strategies

Night Queen
Night Queen
Old Shoe

Nov-1-2011 19:44

nlp's method is satisfactory. But to still reduce questioning, use Research first.

Then ask a suspect for an alibi and more suspects. Each time you get more suspects, do Research first until you ping someone with the Research. If you are still lacking suspects, ask the person pinged by Research for more suspects.

Consistently going to Research first will minimize questions.

nlp is correct in using a spreadsheet or some other way of keeping track. Joss Boss agency's website has a link to on online Sleuth helper. It is simpler than a spreadsheet. Bottom line, keep track. That is the best way to eliminate suspects in a logical manner.

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