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Mar-27-2004 22:36

Is there a maximum number of contacts you can have?

I'm pretty envious of the people who have contacts with two of the key analysts (banker, tailor, shoemaker, barber)! Fortune teller shmortune teller, I'd dump him for someone else if I could.


Montague Summers
Montague Summers

Mar-28-2004 12:53

I don't know what would be a good reason to drop a contact? Maybe you could suspect him/her to sell info about your cases to an organization, or one of the killers you were investigating?

Fat Chuck
Fat Chuck

Mar-28-2004 13:34

What I find is that it doesn't matter what physical evidence I have. It's just whatever comes up that dictates the strategy. Of course they are very easy if all three are threads and notes (rarely happens). It is just a lot of asks to see who they all belong to. Usually it is a mix, and sometimes no notes or threads. Either way, I rarely have to use verbal to eliminate anyone. For those I don't have contacts, I have the advanced skills. If I get a case with no contact evidence and no distinguishers on the other physical evidence, I may have to ask around for verbal to eliminate one.

Even though I find that, practically, it makes no difference, it logically seems that it must be an advantage so I think to be fair, it should be the same for everyone. (Or at least everyone should have an opportunity to make it the same.)

I wouldn't mind giving one up if it's necessary. (I mean if you just edit my code to change one.)

Or if you want to make it so that a character can drop one, it wouldn't be so unreasonable. I have people come in and out of my real life all the time. Just lose touch, didn't have time to maintain the relationship.

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