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How was your Sleuth day?
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Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Aug-25-2011 09:05

Have you just had your best day of Sleuthing ever? Solved your first AI case? Got your last contact? Picked up your first treasure? Found a spoon? Finally got into the Prince's Palace?*

This is the place to share the joy, have a 'woot' or two and be congratulated by your fellow Sleuths.

Or maybe you've just had to pay Shady enough cash to finance a small war. Or reached screaming point with the tailor in Delhi. Or been pirated twice in a row. Or fallen into a trap three times running. You can share the woe, too, and we'll commiserate. We've probably been there too.

Me? I'm just happy that after two days' worth of 'south of the race track' I've finally got out of Shanghai :)

(* If you don't get the references, never mind. You could ask someone. Or you could just wait and see what the world of Sleuth brings you further down the line...)


Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

May-15-2020 08:58

Kalinka, that is an outstanding achievement. Congratulations!!

You share that achievement with only one other detective - Riza Hawkeye.

Celebration at the your local bar for Kalinka. Drinks are the house!

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

May-15-2020 09:10

I should have checked things out before I posted. I see now you opened your hunt yesterday and completed it today. Still a great achievement, Kalinka, and yeah, I wish they could all go so smoothly. :)

But Riza Hawkeye still holds the record for being the ONLY detective in Sleuth to complete an AVH in one day - meaning she opened and finished a hunt on the same day.

Old Shoe

May-15-2020 10:56

Ah I misunderstood the "one day" thing. I meant a 24-hour hunt (started one day finished the next). Yes, I can see it might have been interpreted as starting and finishing a hint on the same calendar date.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. But it was still a nice quick hunt - and the drinks are on me anyway : )

Old Shoe

May-15-2020 10:56

* typo "hunt" not "hint".


May-16-2020 00:50

My parrot matured. I guess I can cook him now.


May-21-2020 14:21

Got a case with the urchin that was in all honesty not meant to be solved.

Cro Magnon
Cro Magnon
The Tome Ranger

May-22-2020 01:35

AI level case with 2 threads, 1 hair, 1 footprint. Four (!) suspects refer to tailor for alibi. One suspect refers to barber. One suspect refers to podiatrist. Barber clams after 1st question.

Later it turned out that the hair belonged to the guilty party. How is this supposed to be solvable on your own?

Katya Stevens
Katya Stevens

May-22-2020 01:40

Sounds like one of my normal everyday cases, Cro. Glad I'm not alone in getting these hands. You have my sympathy. The Gods of Sleuth are cruel!

miss snopes
miss snopes

May-22-2020 21:08

I had a case today in which 5 suspects said they were with the Concierge who of course, wasn't talking. Another 4 were with the Tailor, Barber and Podiatrist who were too busy processing 1 non descript thread, 1 microscopic hair, 1 footprint of a questionable nature and 1 heavy footprint with 9 possible matches. Well, you get the picture. AI at its finest!

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

May-25-2020 13:11

Fifteen AI cases into the NYC section of a Villain Hunt and finally got my second unique clue! I’d gotten “Is north of 42nd street” over and over again, but now I’m happy to report that the accomplice is ALSO “North of 34th Street.”


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