How was your Sleuth day?
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Aug-25-2011 09:05
Have you just had your best day of Sleuthing ever? Solved your first AI case? Got your last contact? Picked up your first treasure? Found a spoon? Finally got into the Prince's Palace?*
This is the place to share the joy, have a 'woot' or two and be congratulated by your fellow Sleuths.
Or maybe you've just had to pay Shady enough cash to finance a small war. Or reached screaming point with the tailor in Delhi. Or been pirated twice in a row. Or fallen into a trap three times running. You can share the woe, too, and we'll commiserate. We've probably been there too.
Me? I'm just happy that after two days' worth of 'south of the race track' I've finally got out of Shanghai :)
(* If you don't get the references, never mind. You could ask someone. Or you could just wait and see what the world of Sleuth brings you further down the line...)
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-16-2017 09:27
I'm tracking a villain in NY. The townies all seem to want bribes now, could it be that the people on the way to the boardwalk are flashing all those big bucks?
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Apr-16-2017 10:05
They're all kicking themselves for not installing pin ball machines and are now trying to make up for it.
Apr-16-2017 20:09
Working on a favour... six Banker alibis and an unidentified handwriting.
My contact is the Tailor. *cries*
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Apr-17-2017 05:41
Have some sympathy, and a tissue!
I seem to be having a day of weirdness. It occurred to me to wonder whether there was anything in the case files of my one-woman agency, and lo and behold I find a case I stuck in there in late January 2013, for reasons unknown. When I opened it I discovered all ten suspects lined up waiting for me, even though none of them had ever been interviewed. I'm still wondering how it got like that.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-17-2017 08:48
Cordelia, be careful they're probably furious with you for making them wait so long.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Apr-17-2017 09:04
Ah, yes. The mysterious appearing suspect problem. It is very mysterious. No one knows why it's happened.
Now there are some rumours of course. Some people say that during debugging on Boardwalk release day a certain hairy (furry?) man typed a command into the live console rather than the development one, revealing 600,000 previously undetected suspects in cases both active and stored. Allegedly when he did it he let out a yell so loud and distressed in tone his partner thought he'd fatally injured himself.
...Naturally that rumour is completely unfounded.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-19-2017 18:27
Today I was pondering Noir vs. Shades. It got me wondering does anyone else know who Scott Adams is? Not the Dilbert guy.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Apr-20-2017 01:18
I've no idea, Sophie!
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-20-2017 09:09
He is the creator of text adventures! Probably before your time 1978. VooDoo Castle, Strange Odyssy, Pirate Adventure.
Go out window
Say YoHo
Your on an island. You see a keel, boot, a parrot.
Fun stuff, they're online now so I can play them again. Ben can thank Scott Adams for plowing the field. :)
Theodora X
Apr-24-2017 01:06
Now I understand all the complaints about repeat clues on AVHs. A second day in Delhi and I haven't moved in at all. It's either the bartender or podiatrist and I ned a north/south clue. Trying not to tear my hair out ...