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presenting myself


Apr-27-2011 12:24

Hello fellow detectives!
I have played this game a year ago, whithout subscription, and now, after this time I am able to subscribe and I must say, this game is good beyond words.
I like it a lot and after subscribing it really become a lot better.
I don't read mistery novels, but I enjoy growing up a character, increasing his stats and this theme, of being a PE, is original. I also like puzzles like this, that don't require mathematics and complicated thinking, just common sense and attention.
There is also a thing that amuses me greatly, it's when you try to get a WE from your client and he's like "I've seen suspect X leaving the place of the crime, obviously trying to hide himself and with blood on his hands and laughing maniacally". Well, it's not really like that, I've exagerated, but the idea is the same. And that suspect wasn't even added by the client on the suspect list. It makes you wonder "oh, gee, how could you have forgotten to tell my this small insignificant detail?".
I would also like to ask something, that % that you get from cloths, what is the formula?Does it add to the chance of using a skill succesfully or is a % of something else, like you get 2% from a value that is used to calculate the succesfull use of a skill.


Harry Edgeworth
Harry Edgeworth

Apr-30-2011 20:24

I don't know anything about the percentages but I always thought it was amusing that your client would let something that slip their mind. You'd think that if you actually SAW one of the suspects leaving the scene of the crime covered in blood you would mention that to the person you're paying close to a thousand dollars to investigate! I like to think that the detective is unconsciously leading the witness into making up evidence against the guilty party:

"Did you see Morris Giron doing anything suspicious?"

"Morris? I don't really remember exactly..."

"Gee, that's a shame. It would have been a big help. But I guess no one is ever going to solve the mystery of who killed Victoria Wansrath now. Hopefully Morris-- er, I mean, whoever the murderer is doesn't slaughter anyone else."

"Hey, hey, wait, I think I do remember something. I saw him leaving the scene of the crime--,"

"That's pretty sketchy."

"--oh, and he was carrying a knife. Covered in blood."

"Really? That's enough for an arrest warrant!"

"And then he looked at me and said, 'I am the killer! Mwahahahah!'"

"...okay, dial it back just a bit there, Sparky."


Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-13-2014 00:22


Tommy Dolan
Tommy Dolan
Old Shoe

May-13-2014 03:27

I don't know percentages and I know some would disagree but I see a marked difference between actually wearing smarts for crime scenes than not which does help in AVH.

I also see a marked difference in having a character with all AVH equipment at the highest level instead of the 'old' elite equipment (eg ivory pipe, sequin dress).

So, while I don't know the actual formula, percentages and while I haven't studies it or done anything scientific, I do think you're at a significantly measured advantaged with better clothes.

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