Before I go on a villain hunt...
Jan-17-2011 15:46
What tips can the more experienced players offer? I've looked through the threads and these are what I have seen:
* Set aside lots of money.
* Obtain contacts for each city.
* Get good equipment which you can travel around in.
Did I miss out any? Like, do I have to make space in my inventory for the rewards? Or can I "teleport" it into my agency?
By the way, is Cairo included in the Arch Villain Hunts? I haven't unlocked Cairo yet. Do I have the option of turning off the option of having Cairo in the AVH?
Thank you so much!
Replies |
Assistant Librarian
Jan-17-2011 21:26
This is all GREAT advice Dellilah! GOOD LUCK! Will look forward to "reading" about your success!
Jan-17-2011 21:35
Thanks for the advice, everyone! I'm still working on a few more skill points, a couple more contacts and lots of money before I start (so it will probably take some time before I update). I will let you know if I nab that villain! ^^
** AVH looks very intimidating @_@ **
Jan-18-2011 02:16
Oh yeah, another question...
In the middle of an arch villain hunt, are we allowed to do lower difficulty cases or favors? (I was thinking about that in case I run out of money...)
Jan-18-2011 04:47
No, when you ar edoing a Villian Hunt, all cases are automatically set to almost impossible. That is why it is so importantt to follow the above advice
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Jan-18-2011 06:26
You asked about making space in your inventory for the rewards. Assuming you successfully complete your hunt, it's a good idea to strip off before going back to Shangri-La to choose a reward. Leave at least hat, coat and one accessory slot free. That way you won't have to sell anything you don't want to.
Good luck! :)
Lady Ruby Caplan
Jan-18-2011 15:10
Also, you don't get favors while doing a hunt :)
Good luck!
Jan-18-2011 16:29
Looks like I gotta really save up then! Thanks for the advice.
Old Shoe
Jan-18-2011 23:11
Money isn't a huge deal, one day of favors (3 at $4800 each) should bankroll a VH, then of course you replace that + when you retrieve your reward for catching the villian!
Lady Emerald Devon
Jan-19-2011 11:41
Just out of curiosity, has anyone travelled around doing AVH with a one-room apartment so they can change to a full set of smarts and still have a full set of interview clothes?
I know people talked about the idea when the AVH first came out but I don't think anyone did it 'cause of the costs...
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jan-19-2011 11:55
Yes, Eudaemon from Hunter's did it on a regular basis. He said it worked very well. One room is not that expensive to move. I wouldn't recommend it for a four room though, lol.