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Lost of Agency
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Botsie Boots
Botsie Boots
Old Shoe

Nov-18-2010 10:37

Due to illness and unable to get online I lost my agency...Botsie Boots P.I. I have now started a new agency called Fearless Investigations and I am proud to say that due to the number of years BOOTS was in operation our efforts were not invane.

I dont know who to thank for it but because of the circumstances I was given a 6 months subscription to sleuth for both myself and Amira..

Who ever did this you are the greatest and Im not done yet...we will return..

Those of you who have been in operation send me a few recruits this way...

and thanks to the unknown gift are great no matter who you are..

Botsie Boots


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Dec-30-2010 10:16

I just got a two month gift subscription from someone named Aahz. I don't know who that is but all I can say is, Thank you so much.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-2-2011 12:13

Wow. Maybe Aahz is really Santa in disguise.

ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Jan-3-2011 12:00

yup am in list too ....

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jan-6-2011 13:07

Hi Bootsie,
Sorry to hear about your agency honey! Good luck with the new agency and the new year!

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