Skill Point Help
Assistant Librarian
Oct-5-2010 16:40
Hello! I'm a couple days old and need some help with my skills. I'm very tough, and currently have 14 skill points to spend. I feel kind of overwhelmed with all of the choices I have of skills, so I need some help. Right now, my current skills are:
-Lock Picking
-Hair Analysis
-Thread Analysis
Thank you so much in advance! :)
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Feb-18-2011 10:46
Handwriting, Foot, Hair and Thread are PEs (physical evidence) found at a crime scene. They are all very important and you should concentrate on obtaining all your basics to make sure that all PEs are covered when you do a case. The advanced skills such as your advanced Hair Skill will give you more info on them. Hair, straight or curly; Thread, woman or man. I believe that your basic Handwriting and Foot skills atomatically give you all info. There is no advanced Handwriting or Foot skills.
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Feb-22-2011 02:41
Bear in mind, though, that possession of the relevant skill is not a guarantee of getting the advanced info. You'll always find all the evidence provided you have the skills to do so, but there's always a chance you won't be able to make the advanced analysis. The higher your Smart rating when you search a crime scene, the more likely you are to analyse the evidence.