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Anyone's Agency Gear Reproducing?
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Washed Up Punter

Jun-25-2010 15:56

Just popped in and found that we have 30 out of a possible 29 items in our agency locker. Two very nice items of VH-grade smart gear have reproduced and are sitting there very pleased with themselves.

I am scared to sell the extras in case it is some system glitch and tomorrow I log on and find that I have lost both items. There are few things worse than having to VH for smart gear.

I was wondering if this was happening to anyone else and if so, were you able to sell the extras without losing the original items when you took a duplicate out of the locker? I'd mess with it myself but the closets in my penthouse are at their limit too.


Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Jul-1-2010 21:55

You could always sell the items and donate to the Raven Moving Fund... I'll issue you a receipt for tax purposes...

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jul-4-2010 13:25

Raven you are not allowed to move anywhere, and you stay put too YoYo!

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