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Not a bug, but is it intentional?
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Dec-14-2004 15:57

I know this is not a bug, but I am not sure if it is intentional.

I am sure a lot of us use the "back" button in our internet explorer.

Now in the past, until the last few days, maybe even today. When I click back, I think it counts as a question against me.

For instance if I ask the tailor (not my contact) is ask if evidence points to suspect A, and it says no. When I click back, I see in the previous screen "no it is not X" again (while I just came from this screen), or worse I see the do you want to bribe question. So it makes me think, I am actually loosing a question. I did not use my scroll button in the process.

Also I notice it, in the past when I wanted to question a towns person if 2 people had alibi's. If I asked about one person, and hit the back button, originally I would go back to the original old page with still the 2 names on it. Now I just see 1, as if I left the towns person and came back (by clicking as another question to to the tailor.)

I think a refresh is done somewhere, and although not sure, I think I am loosing a question. Frankly I am sure of it, because how come when I go back a page I see the "do you want to bribe page" instead of going back to the page I came from.

If this is intentional. It means, if you ask a towns person if X has an alibi, you actually have to do the following: <click> ask towns person about evidence and people/<click>choose a suspect/<click> ask towns person another question/<click>check another person for evidence/<click>ask for suspect.

Instead of: <click> ask towns person about evidence and people/<click>choose a suspect/<back button on explorer>choose another suspect.

As you can see the latter is less work.

Or is it just me, being petty?


The Hongmeister
The Hongmeister

Dec-14-2004 22:09

I've had this happen to me as well sometimes - very frustrating when every question counts! It primarily happens on my slow home computer, I suspect because the cache setting is lower than another computer that that is a bit better.


Dec-15-2004 02:32

i use the back a lot and didnt notice this change so i guess admin's sugestion that it is in ur browser is correct jstkdn.


Dec-15-2004 11:11

Hongmeister made me think....when is the last time I cleaned out my temporary internet files. :)
That was the problem!!!

Richard Gilmore
Richard Gilmore

Dec-16-2004 20:22

I have had the same thing happen to me. My suspect list wont refresh and the "NEW" tag wont go away unless i refresh. I also get kicked out to the log in screen in the middle of a case and I have to log in again.

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