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The Excuse Game
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Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Feb-26-2010 08:34

It's pretty simple.
You have to give the previous person the stupidest excuse with can think of to his/her request, and then post your on.

Will you take me to the movies?
I can't, they won't allow me in there.

I'll start:
Can you lend me 20 bucks?


M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Feb-27-2010 20:22

No, it won't go with the suit you are wearing.

Will you donate a dollar to the "Help Marc Lacrimosa get a New Car Foundation?"

Rich J. Mayo
Rich J. Mayo

Feb-27-2010 23:06

i would, but i spent my last $7 on a Sleuth subscription.

Can you please stand over there and not make eye contact with anyone?

Lyra Cornwallis
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff

Feb-28-2010 06:37

No, I can't, because right now I'm staring at someone already.

Could I borrow your poster of Nancy Drew?

ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Feb-28-2010 11:02

No, Cause i already lent it to Mayo.

Can i have a hamburger?

Kyle XY Rocks
Kyle XY Rocks
Pinball Amateur

Feb-28-2010 12:03

Nope I only have cheeseburgers.

Can you spare a potato?

Wolf Girl 22
Wolf Girl 22

Feb-28-2010 13:14

No Way! I'm using them for my Potato army.

Can you knit me some socks?

ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Feb-28-2010 13:47

Nope, can sew but knitting... Duh!

Can you make a 'Frankenstein'?

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Feb-28-2010 22:45

I could, but I've run out of parts and the cemetery's closed.

Will you get me a gin and tonic?

Elizabeth March
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town

Mar-1-2010 05:35

Sorry, I can only prepare dry martinis.

Can you get that box for me?

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Mar-1-2010 09:31

Yes! I can get it wet...

Can you swim?

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