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Idea Sleuth talk vs Newbie board
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Dec-11-2004 22:38

Just think I should toss it out there. As this would be beneficial to new and old detectives. Maybe it is an idea for someone less then X days old and with less then X experience, not to be able to open a new thread on Sleuth talk. They of course should not be prevented to post in Sleuth talk to an existing thread.

Or for them to be warned, before they do.

My opinion....
The general rule of thumb, that almost any question about the game belongs on the newbie board. This with exception of questions, that an agent has, that knows they grasp this game completely. And they know who they are. It is mostly new ideas about the game that belong in Sleuth talk.

This prevents newbies feeling bad about their first post, and initial steps in to this community. And prevents some old detectives being annoyed.



Dec-12-2004 09:47

Maybe its the description of this board. It say "Anything remotely related to the game ". I tend not to answer any question in this board. Cos I feel it better to have it in newbies question board. This way others with the same question can just get the answer there. But I am not suggesting any of you do that!! Just some rules that I set for myself. :)

Kit Katz
Kit Katz

Dec-12-2004 11:27

I think that all newbies should be strongly encouraged to read all boards before playing. I found it very helpful at the newbie stage to just read all that had been posted. I got lots of great information.


Dec-12-2004 11:35

I agree


Dec-12-2004 15:53

I would agree with Kit Katz. Many times I do a "doh", with someone posting a question that is actually answered in the thread right underneath.

Delvin's plan is good too. Perhaps starting to answer a little more things like "look at another thread of this week." Also I do answer question but then mention, that this may have found a better place on the newbie board.

.....but the next newbie subscribing tomorrow may not realize this.

Frankly, some posts, and some type of questions I sometimes wonder......uhm did you actually look?

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