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I'm losing the number of games I can play!
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Jan-18-2010 14:36

I am not registered member so I can only play 4 games a day. But sometimes, and it has happened more then once, the account of the number of games I can play gets messed up. For example I log on and the site tells me I have 4 games left to play. I finish first one and then site tells me I have only 2 games left instead of 3. And I never get that one game back.
In fact, I swear few days ago after I finished my 4 games (got to play all of them) the site informed me I have -2 games left instead of 0. I checked twice, it said negative two games left.
Whats up with that? And how can I get my missing games back. Feels like Im beeng robbed of possible points .

If anyone can answer that, thx!


Thomas Veil
Thomas Veil

Mar-8-2010 06:34

If you'll subscribe you'll have 12 daily games instead of 4.Plus many other advantages...

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