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5 cases in 1 day?
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James D(II)
James D(II)

Dec-9-2004 10:40

How's that possible? 3 cases and then 1 favor....wher's the fifth?


Miss Rose
Miss Rose

Dec-9-2004 11:17

I just subscribed, or so I think but I don't see any changes. Is it supposed to be immediately?

Old Shoe

Dec-9-2004 11:52

Under the list of the level of cases you can choose from, once you subscribe instead of saying you have 3 cases, it just should say you have 8- and it used to be (it's been a while since I subscribed) that underneath your detective name, it says "Unsubscribed" until you actually pay to subscribe. I THINK that's the only difference, other than the fact that you can then join an agency.

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Dec-9-2004 12:58

Miss Rose, did you pay over the internet or send Ben the money? I think you get your cases when your payment goes through...

Miss Rose
Miss Rose

Dec-9-2004 13:19

Case solved! I mean problem solved..haha. I am now subscribed :)

Nicolette Smith
Nicolette Smith

Dec-9-2004 21:37

I just subscribed too. I got all 8 of my cases.

James D(II)
James D(II)

Dec-10-2004 17:40

Now I see people who solve way more than 8 a day. How is THAT possible?


Dec-10-2004 17:57

Agency life can make it possible to solve more than 8 cases a day.

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