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race track message
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hannah glass
hannah glass

Dec-14-2009 08:30

you should get a message on your race after it is finished.


Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Dec-14-2009 21:31

I like the suprise of not finding out til you head over there. It gives it a bit of... mystery!

And I would hope everyone here likes mysteries. I mean, it IS Sleuth Noir. Which *gasp* happens to be a mystery site! May mysteries abound!

Marissa Peterson
Marissa Peterson
Old Shoe

Dec-14-2009 22:06

Still not gettin' your point here, Hannah.

You'd like a message on your detective page when you bet on a race at the Track that tells you after it's run as to whether you've won or lost?? Is THAT what you're trying to suggest?? (Yeah, I know. The star's burnin' out on my Christmas tree. Comes from drinking too much eggnog.)

I might see your point (if I ever bothered to do any betting, sorry), but I have a small caveat to your suggestion (if this is, indeed, what you're wanting. If it's not, then I'm absolutely clueless.) I know there are those who would like to know how they did when they enter a race (Ctown comes to mind). I do think, though, that Anais does have a valid point.

I'd suggest that a PM would prob'ly be sufficient for this kind of notification, if it were to be utilised by the Powers that Be. This hardly seems on the level of the Missions, which is what the Detective Profile messages are used for.

Again, am I missing something here??

Pinball Amateur

Dec-14-2009 23:07

(And yes, that's me. The brain's on neutral again, and I've been body-switching. Oops. ;-)

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Dec-15-2009 02:15

PM would be the way forward if this were to happen at all. I confess I never bet so I don't really care.

Hannah, could you do me a favour when you're making suggestions? Instead of saying something 'should' happen, which implies that there's something wrong with the way things happen at the moment, could you maybe say 'how about if...' or 'I'd like it if...' Otherwise you just come across as really critical of the game all the time, which just puts people's backs up.


Dec-15-2009 11:30

Actually I like it the way it is. I bet at the tack everytime I am in Shanghai. Sometimes I wait to travel until I get the results of the race, other times not. Remember the time frame we are looking at here. IT is the 1930's, we did not have the convience of the internet to check the results of horse races. If we want to know the results, we have to go there!


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Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Dec-21-2009 10:14

I think that you needn't have put that on a new thread as there is a thread specifically for these ideas. The High Leigh Irregulars' "Looking for Ideas" on this board. I suggest you put the idea up there.

Pinball Amateur

Dec-21-2009 22:39

Hannah (and her predecessors) does this all the time, Milord. The suggestions that have an ounce of merit to them, get listened to (this actually is one of her not-so-out-there ones). The others, well.... ;-)


Pinball Amateur

Dec-21-2009 22:43

(Sorry, editing button's on neutral again.)

Meant to say this idea's a bit vague, but believable. It's also just rather....undefined, and not of much use to a whole lotta people.



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