The J.Harlequin Debacle: A RP Stage Short
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Nov-24-2009 20:42
(Everyone's a suspect!)
There was a quite noticeable scuff on the floor.
The creme de la creme of the world's crime-fighting society were at a formal dinner at her modest country residence that evening, and there was a scuff on the floor.
Molly Maltese sighed in tones of great irritation and wondered how she hadn't noticed the mark BEFORE all her guests had arrived. They were in the dining room now, chattering happily and dining on the delicious meal she had hired a cook specifically for. Many of her friends and associates were then, including some new faces. One new face in particular; a Mr. John Harlequin. He was a new politician in the area, determined to take on Joe Hollis for mayor. His past was basically unknown; his favorability extreme. Citizens either loved him or hated him.
Just as she had this thought, someone shrieked.
"He's choking!"
Raising a brow, she hurried from the parlor to look in. All the guests seated at the long table were either standing or sitting with shocked expressions; and John Harlequin was quite shockingly purple.
Even as she rushed into the room and neared him, Harlequin gave one final gasp and died. Silence descended as she grabbed his glass and sniffed at the rim delicately. She turned, and countless eyes bored into her.
"Alright, which one of you poisoned my guest?" she snarled.
Whispers and titters danced along the table, before a very familiar man stood. "We should call the police." he said.
Another raised a brow. "There's a room full of detectives here. I'm sure that's not necessary."
"It is when one of those detectives may be a murderer!"
"We can't send for the police anyway; can't you see its been snowing all this time? We can't go anywhere!" another shouted. Molly went to the window and looked out. Sure enough, snow blanketed everything in sight. The cars parked out front were completely obscured by white.
"Nobody is leaving! If you try, I'll shoot every last one of you!" Molly yelled, pulling out a pistol.
Replies |
M. Lacrimosa
Dec-1-2009 15:07
"An alibi...I was in the dining room. Heim, Elizabeth, and Charlie went up stairs. I stayed behind. They all went upstairs. Everyone down stairs heard Vulkie's muffled scream and I suggested that they were all just playing around." Marc stated, "I can give a motive for the death of Vulkie and Harlequin. Both would be for revenge. I lost all my liking for Vulkie when she turned her back on me and sold me out to the Mafia. I almost died because of what she did (See Disillusioned Detectives)! As for Harlequin, I never liked him. He was corrupt. I'd seen him woking with the mafia. That's why he hated the crime fighters. Officers were arresting mobsters left and right and Harlequin was losing money. That's why he hated police officers. You see, I didn't kill either one of them. Poisoning someone is just cruel enough. But if it was me, I would have shot him in the face."
Everyone looked at Marc as though he was crazy.
Marc opend his mouth to speak but froze for a slight second, "Look...this case is getting to me just as much as it is to anyone else. Two people are dead in just a matter of 24 hours. Charlie, I apologize for pointing my finger at you and Molly I apologize for defying your order for pairing up."
Charlie unclenched his fist.
Some spoke up.
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Dec-1-2009 15:52
Molly nodded, and her eyes sought Joseph once more. She had seen the way his eyes had automatically flickered to her. He must genuinely think she had murdered the unfortunate two.
"The truth is I don't have a credible alibi." she said, getting right to the point. "I was wandering about the downstairs. Its something I do when I have to think."
"As to Harlequin, you know from the picture that at one point in our lives we were quite friendly. He broke things off with me, to skip up to some dolled-up mobster moll. I suppose that's more than enough reason to poison him."
She sighed. "Let's hear everyone's alibis and then go take some time to cool off. Like Marc said, its all getting to us. We're losing perspective.We all know to be on the alert now."
She stayed to hear what the others had to say, and then headed down to her library. It was one of the biggest rooms in the house, and filled with old antique books.
She lit a cigarette and cast a glance at the door. She had neglected to close it all the way, but she didn't think anyone would make their way to this part of the house unless they were looking for her specifically.
M. Lacrimosa
Dec-2-2009 20:26
Marc walked outside to get some fresh air. It was cold. The snow had stopped falling, leaving a blanket that covered the ground and everyone's cars. He pulled out his pipe, filled it with tobacco and lit it. He began puffing on his pipe thinking about this case. He began to go over the case files in his mind. Everyone seemed to have a valid alibi.
Molly's staff didn't have anything to do with the murder's of Harlequin or Vulkie. The same person who killed Harlequin killed Vulkie. Vulkie had to have known who did it. That's why she was killed. Charlie's alibi was that he was in his room. That was very plausible. Elizabeth didn't do it. And neither did Molly. Marc had doubts about Joseph. He also doubted Heimlich doing such a thing. Charlie said that Heimlich was with him in the room. But what if Heimlich had snuck out when Charlie's back was turned.
That was possible, wasn't it? "No," Marc thought to himself, "It can't be. He would never do something like that."
Marc put out his pipe, dumping the tobacco out. It fluttered away in the wind scattering bits all over the snow in every direction. As he stood up, something sharp hit him in the back of the head. It wasn't a knife stabbing him. No. It was a club hitting him in the back of the head.
Without knowing what hit him, Marc fell to the ground unconscious.
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Dec-2-2009 21:29
Molly paced restlessly, jumping at every slight sound. She was afraid, no use in denying it.
With a gusty sigh, she crossed to the window and opened it, letting some cold air in to air out the stuffy room. She stood there for a moment, breathing in deeply, her thoughts turning to Vulkie. She had died, probably because she had known too much. Had she confronted the killer? No doubt about it, she was murdered because the killer had decided she knew too much.
Suddenly she noticed a dark shape in the parking lot. It was too far away to make out anything clearly, but as the form lifted a pipe to his mouth, she figured it was probably Marc. He was always smoking that pipe.
She was about to turn away when she noticed another dark shape stealthily sneaking over the snow, an object raised. Was it the killer?
"Marc!" she shrieked, intending to warn him before it was too late, but he had already fallen under a blow. She hung half out of the window for a moment, and a feeling of dread prickled her skin and made her hair stand on end.
Slowly, the dark form turned to look towards the library in the distance, and the small but easily recognizable woman leaning out of its window. The flame-red hair gave it away.
Molly gasped, and ducked inside, heart pounding. No doubt about it, she had seen the killer.
And the killer had seen her.
Charlie Cain
Dec-3-2009 03:16
Charlie sat next to the liquor cabinat drinking from a glass full of scotch and smoking a cigarette. Alot had transpired in the last few hours. And Charlie had lost a friend.
" Who could be the killer." He asked himself.
It was very apparent to Charlie that he hadnt been very helpful since this whole mess started. Shaking his head disappointed in himself he stood up and headed up to Vulkie's room. It was time to start looking around.
***Vulkie's Room***
Everything had been left undisturbed since everyone's last visit. Charlie started searching the room in his customary system...top to bottom. As he finished his search...which came up empty, he sat on the bed in the room.
Then like a freight train it hit him..."Vulkie was comfortable around her killer. She trusted who ever it was and that meant she knew them quite well. Marc wasnt a suspect...he and Vulkie werent good friends. Molly and Vulkie didnt get along to begin with...Vulkie didnt know Elizabeth well enough to let her guard down around her. That only left three people." Charlie thought.
" Myself, Heim, and Joseph Zeo." Charlie hissed. " And I know I didnt do it." he said walking out the door.
Just then he heard what sounded like a yell coming from somewhere in the house...but where. " Oh if only I'd have let Molly give me that tour." Charlie thought.
He headed downstairs then turned in the direction he thought it came from. He followed a hallway towards two giant oak doors. Charlie turned the knob and the door slowly opened...
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Dec-3-2009 03:38
Panic! Was that a footstep she heard? Was the killer so quick that they had already raced into the house and found their way to the library?
Molly turned and melted into the first narrow row of shelves as the door creaked open, the curtains of the window flapping in the wind. She used the sound to mask her footsteps as she twisted through the stacks and stole along the far wall, zipping out of the room without daring to look around. Outside, she silently took off her shoes and left them by the door, hurrying down the hallway on silent feet.
She wondered what to do. Should she try to locate everyone? Call the authorities? Confront the killer head on? She didn't know.
And just where was her gun?
Chewing on her lip nervously, she rounded the corner and stopped suddenly, jerking back as if struck when she saw who was before her...
Charlie Cain
Dec-3-2009 08:55
*** Meanwhile***
" Damn..." Charlie spat as he walked in to the library. But this is where the scream came from.
Charlie caught a flicker as the curtains moved. " Why would the window be open? Its freezing outside." Charlie thought. He ran to the window and looked out. There he saw a body lying face down in the snow in the driveway.
" Damn!" Charlie yelled and ran from the room towards the front of the house. Charlie ran like a mad man. Yelling for everyone to come help him.
" Hurry Up! Someone's been hurt."
Charlie jerked the front door open and ran out into the snow. As he got closer he saw the victim was Marc. "Oh No! Its Marc quick get over here!" he yelled to the few people who had followed him outside.
Charlie noticed that the snow around Marc's head was already red. He rolled Marc over and checked for a pulse...
Charlie Cain
Dec-3-2009 08:56
*** Meanwhile***
" Damn..." Charlie spat as he walked in to the library. But this is where the scream came from.
Charlie caught a flicker as the curtains moved. " Why would the window be open? Its freezing outside." Charlie thought. He ran to the window and looked out. There he saw a body lying face down in the snow in the driveway.
" Damn!" Charlie yelled and ran from the room towards the front of the house. Charlie ran like a mad man. Yelling for everyone to come help him.
" Hurry Up! Someone's been hurt."
Charlie jerked the front door open and ran out into the snow. As he got closer he saw the victim was Marc. "Oh No! Its Marc quick get over here!" he yelled to the few people who had followed him outside.
Charlie noticed that the snow around Marc's head was already red. He rolled Marc over and checked for a pulse...
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Dec-3-2009 12:13
And with that, Molly's world exploded into a seemingly endless world of pain. She fell to her knees, blood pouring down the front of her blouse from the two gunshot wounds. Gasping for air, she sluggishly tilted sideways until her shoulder hit the leg of a wrought-iron side table. Slowly her eyes traveled up and mentally she calculated even as the edges of her vision turned black.
"I should have figured it out sooner." she said softly, and then with her very last reserves of energy she reached up and grabbed the heavy statue from the table and threw it right at the killers face. Her aim was off, it only clipped the temple, but it was enough to bleed.
"I hope they kill you, you bastard." she spat, and then she slumped to the floor, blood already pooling underneath her cheek and through her hair as the killer looked on.
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Dec-3-2009 12:15
(boy, this has turned into the most bad-ass RP ever. ;D thanks guys!)
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