*Awkward Pause* A Hall of Fame for unusual lines people enter barchat on
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Oct-7-2009 22:03
Because every bar needs one. Feel free to post if you've got one; we're certain there are plenty.
Replies |
M. Lacrimosa
Oct-21-2010 21:05
[Riza Hawkeye] : O_o really marc? they both have a kitty?
[M. Lacrimosa] : yes
[M. Lacrimosa] : My uncle has a great big orange colored on and Rodney's is black
[Riza Hawkeye] : how about you?
[M. Lacrimosa] : I dont 'have one. I have three dogs
[Riza Hawkeye] : are they hairy?
Sean Dart
Nov-2-2010 18:38
[Kitty Lynn] : *proceeds to start the lap dance*
[Clint Forthwright] : im a pro
[Anais Nin] : I mange to do it without trying or realizing I'm doing it.
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Jan-3-2011 23:50
[Riza Hawkeye] : so i have to wear large :P
[M. Lacrimosa] : Thank god I'm a guy
[Anais Nin] : I wear small. :D
[Riza Hawkeye] : busy, aren't we?
[Heimlich VonVictor] : I wear large now
[Heimlich VonVictor] : I used to wear XL
M. Lacrimosa
Jan-6-2011 22:11
[M. Lacrimosa] : my room is dark right now
[Riza Hawkeye] : in and out, in and out
Anais Nin
Jan-6-2011 22:26
[Riza Hawkeye] : this :O
[Riza Hawkeye] : is the shape my mouth makes
[Anais Nin] : elsewise I'd be dead
[M. Lacrimosa] : HAHA
[Riza Hawkeye] : and guys love it for some reason
[Vulkie3] : why you're making that shape then? xD
[Anais Nin] : *cracking up*
[M. Lacrimosa] : You want some more sausage, Riza?
[M. Lacrimosa] : I have plenty
Anais Nin
Jan-6-2011 23:29
[Riza Hawkeye] : please steal my butt warmth
[Riza Hawkeye] : *feels drainage*
[Andrew Corelli] : well, I have to leave, I'm tired
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad
Jan-11-2011 21:39
[M. Lacrimosa] : I'm bigger than my two brothers
[M. Lacrimosa] : So my underwear wouldn't fit them anyway
Old Shoe
Jan-17-2011 06:48
My chat won't work :(
I'm unable to connect to chat :(
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jan-17-2011 12:26
Workin' for me!
Old Shoe
Jan-21-2011 11:52
Is it cause I'm using safari? Anyone else using safari and able to get through?