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Oct-7-2009 07:24

how many are there per case level? thanks in advance


Lockhelm Shores
Lockhelm Shores

Nov-20-2009 21:50

I've bookmarked this post as a handy summary of the information, but the two sets of information in are a bit inconvenient to match up. So I've pulled them together here for easier viewing:

Difficulty | Total suspects | Suspects with False Alibis
Beginner | 5-6 | 2-3
Easy | 5-6 | 3
Intermediate | 6-7 | 3-4
Hard | 7-8 | 3-4
Really Hard | 7-8 | 4
Really Really Hard | 8-9 | 5
Incredibly Hard | 8-9 | 5
Stupendously Hard | 9-10 | 6
Ridiculously Hard | 10-11 | 7
Almost Impossible | 10-11 | 7


Dec-2-2009 15:55

thanks to all this is very much appreciated!

Pinball Amateur

Dec-3-2009 10:53

Turtledove is referring to the number of suspects with false alibis. Mystie's list is dealing with the total number of suspects possible in a case, real and false. And Lockhelm gave you a summary of both. (Ergo, the possible confusion for some. All of the above are accurate. ;-)


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