Disillusioned Detectives
M. Lacrimosa
Oct-6-2009 15:36
Things don't always go as you would want them to go. I looked at the dead body of 26 year old Carol Fisher. She had been mutilated by someone. Stabbed a total of seven times and then shot once in the head. The local police knew who the killer was. The problem was finding him. They had a name. They had proof. They had physical evidence that linked him to the crime and witness evidence. It was enough evidence to put him a way for life.
I was worned that he is a master of disguises. He can disapper with the blink-of-an-eye.
Detective Thomas McDonald looked at me when I was finished examining the body. "I heard about your reputation around here."
"What about it?" I asked
"If you can catch our killer, Charles Craig, I can promise a handsome reward." he replied.
I thought about it. Money. I needed money real bad. I was behind on rent for both my apartment and my office. Money is good.
"Fine. I'll take it," I said and I left back for my office. I reviewed the background and case file of Mr. Craig. This wasn't going to be easy, that was for sure. I decided to make a phone call to a few friends of mine to see if they would be interested in making some decent money in helping to find a killer who could blend in to even the smaller crowds.
It was dark and there was nothing I could do for the night. I'd have to start in the morning. So I went home for the night to get some sleep. The next morning, went to my office to make a call to a few friends to see if they'd be interested in making a few dollars in helping to find this killer.
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Charlie Cain
Nov-6-2009 16:55
" Hey Charlie cant you and your plant eatter friends find this guy already?" Molly asked me. I knew she was upset we all were.
But I was getting tired of the lack of trust. " Look lady I aint a plant eatter or a tree hugger or nothing like that. You might not agree with my contacts or the people with which I use to help solve a case from time to time. But atleast I told everyone up front what I was doing! If you dont trust me fine...." I said getting louder as I ranted.
" Hey! what is it? Why cant you two get along? " Marc asked looking tired and ragged. " We are all at our witts end none of us are thinking right after this last trap. I suggest we all head back to the hotel and get some rest." He said looking from Molly to Me.
" I'm going to the hospital to check on Heim." Riza said walking away from the rest of the group. " Hey wait a minute I'll go too." I said jogging after her to catch up.
" Hey Marc, well meet you at the Owl and Walnut in a few hours!" I yelled back to Marc as he, Molly, Nellie, and Brian headed back to the hotel.
M. Lacrimosa
Nov-6-2009 21:17
Some thing didn't seem right to me. Vulkie came back. But why? Nellie, Molly, Brian and I headed back to the hotel to go over our clues. Once again, Charles escaped our grasp. But with a price to pay, he took a bullet. I wasn't sure where he was hit, but Riza made a hit. I stopped half way back to the hotel. I was on the sidewalk getting ready to cross the street, when it hit me that Craig had been shot. It was like a slap in the face to me.
"Marc? What's wrong?" Molly asked?
"Craig may have gone to the hopital..." I said, my voice drowing out.
"We need to go and check." Then we can meet up with the rest of the gang."
It took about fifteen to twenty minutes to walk to the hospital, all of us walking without a word. Charles had been shot and he needed some patching up. The only place he could have gone to get some stiches, was the hospital.
I walked into the emergency room doors with Brian right behind me. Behind him was Molly, then Nellie.
"Can I help you?" The young medical assisstant asked.
"I'm here to see if a man by the name of Charles Craig, or Bucky Ingham has checked in due to a gun shot wound." I said.
She looked down at her registration form. "Yes, a Bucky Ingham checked in about twenty minutes ago, and checked out about ten." she said.
"DAMNIT!" I yelled, as I slammed my fist down on the table. She jumped and I apologized to her. Then I asked her where I can find a man named Heimlich VonVictor and she told me his room number. When we entered the room I saw Vulkie standing next to Heimlich.
"Marc?" She said sounding surprised to see me. "I thought you were going back-"
"Cut the crap, Vulkie," I said angrily, "and start talking. Enlighten me. Why'd you come back and what do you think you are doing?"
Nov-7-2009 04:09
"I... I can't explain Marc. It's too complicated. Heimlich knows... When the time is right,when we've got Craig,I can tell. But for now,no... You can keep my detective license if you want,but I'm still after Craig,no matter what. What he's done now has been too painful for me. Attacking my friends is attacking me. And I hate it when people attack me. They always pay for what they've done..." Vulkie said and sighed.
Marc nodded,Nellie was scribbling something on her notepad,Riza was looking around and Heimlich grunted.
"I know why she did it guys. Please,you've got to believe her. I also am angry by her betrayal,but it has a reason.." Heimlich added.
"I still ain't gonna trust her Heimlich" Marc said. Vulkie couldn't hold her tears anymore,as they began flowing.
"You... You... Ok,what if I get Craig,you trust me then?" Vulkie said.
"No..." Marc replied. Nellie held her hand on Marc's shoulder. "Marc,she isn't lying. She's willing to help us..." Nellie said.
"I still ain't going to trust her then..." Marc replied and turned his back.
"Here,you can have your license back" Marc said and he threw it on the floor. "You're not even worthy of being a "detective" anymore.." Marc added.
"YOU INSULANT SON OF A..." Vulkie yelled and ran away,going to get Craig. But she had no clue where to start. Then,suddenly,she muttered something. "Billings!" she yelled and she went off towards Billing's mansion...
Nov-7-2009 04:25
***Billing's Mansion***
Vulkie busted the door in,pulled her gun out and shot a goon down who had managed to untie himself at that time. He was standing near Billings.
"No you don't untie him" Vulkie said and she shot the goon down.
"Now,Mr. Billings. If you would be so KINDLY,could you please tell me where I can find that son of a B*TCH that goes by the name of Charles Craig?" Vulkie said and she aimed her gun at Billings.
"Already told your friends where they could find them. Must've been a blast for them,eh?' Billings said,laughing.
"No,they survived. And now,I come here to ask you where he could be!" Vulkie said and she drove her gun into Billing's wound.
"ALRIGHT,ALRIGHT. I'LL TELL YOU!" Billings yelled and he gave Vulkie an address.
"Thanks Billings" Vulkie said and she turned around. "Oh,almost forgot. Don't mess with my friends." Vulkie said and she turned back,aimed her gun at Billing's other leg and shot. "OUCH" he yelled. "A reminder for you!' Vulkie said and she left Billing's address.
***The Old Shanty Restaurant***
Located in an old neighbourhood in East London,the Old Shanty Restaurant was a restaurant for poor people and people who were so sick that they could die the next day.
As Vulkie stared in the window,she saw a man sitting who looked like Craig. She ented the building,shoved herself at the table and said : "Gotcha Craig. Oh no you don't. Don't try to run. We're going to my friends at the hospital to pay a little visit." Vulkie said,while pointing her gun under the table at Craig's "family jewels"
"Let's go" Vulkie said and she nodded to the door. Craig sighed and walked to the door,opened it for himself and Vulkie and went out.
"A little insurance,just to make sure you don't flee." Vulkie said and she shot a bullet in Craig's kneecap. "OUCH" he yelled.
"Don't you dare to say anything. You've almost "killed" two friends of mine and we've been chasing you for like 2 months almost. So shush" Vulkie said...
Nov-7-2009 04:29
Craig let out a manical laugh. "It was a pleasure to let you chase me." Craig said towards Marc,Nellie,Heimlich,Riza,Molly,Charlie and Vulkie. "It really was fun after all,right?" Craig said,waiting for a reply.
First up was Marc. He made a fist and punched Craig with great force on his face. "This is my reply!" Marc said and he spat on Craig's face. Next was Heimlich. He took out his gun and "performed" a pistol whip. "That you may burn in hell!" Heimlich said.
Next was Nellie. Well,technically,she didn't do anything,but just "interview him". After Nellie was Riza. "Hiya you bastard. Long time no see" she said and took out a small pocket knife and carved a small piece out of Craig's flesh. "A reminder" Riza said,"to not mess with my friends!".
Then came Charlie. He took his gun out and was deciding whether to shoot him in his other kneecap or his foot. It was the foot. "OUCH" Craig said and Charlie 'blowed' the air away that came out of his gun.
And finally,there was Molly.
"We'll leave Craig to you and Marc.."Vulkie said and everyone nodded,as Molly and Marc stayed with Craig...
M. Lacrimosa
Nov-7-2009 06:45
I sat across from Charles Craig. A murderer. I didn't handcuff him or restrain him in anyway. It was a huge risk, yes. Molly sat next to me, and my new friend Brian Flannigan stood behind us. After a few minutes, Brian excused himself to go collect Jack Billings and take him to New York.
He left and there were three of us in a room; Molly, Craig, and myself.
"Craig," I said, "I want to know how you disappeared so much? How on earth did you do it?"
"It's very easy," Craig said. "I saw you from every view point. Now you may call me a murderer, a criminal, what ever. I did kill that girl. But not in cold blood. Carol Fisher was a mobster and so am I. If you ask for me to give names, I will not. The one who's name I'd love to give, has betrayed me too. But I'm not a rat. I was able to disappear by simply sticking to the shadows," he continued. "Last night, when your friend shot me, I ran into an alley. The trail of blood ended at a wall. I simply jumped behind some trash bags. The day in New York, you came out of Luigi's Bar, I saw you. When you came at me and the crowd of people swarmed around me, I simply took my hat off. In a crowd of people with less than ten, I simply slanted my hat over one eye."
There it was. His confession. I stared at him, eyes wide. Molly did the same. I wasn't happy. Vulkie had made the capture. How she knew where to find him, I wasn't sure. But I wasn't done with Vulkie. I still wanted to know why the hell she had come back.
--New York--
It had been three weeks since the capture of Charles Craig. I looked at myself in a mirror and on my shoulder, I saw the scar. The flash back came to me of that day being shot. I felt a tear come to my eye and I could only think of Vulkie's betrayal. The police department had given each of us our reward of $7000 per person. Vulkie wasn't there to collect her reward.
I put my shirt back on, put on my tie and my jacket. (Cont..)
M. Lacrimosa
Nov-7-2009 06:55
I had deposited my $7000 into my bank account carrying only so much cash every now and then. I still stayed in touch with eveyone except Vulkie. I had not talked to her since the day she came back and saved us. That much I was thank ful for and over time, I had come to forgive her for her betrayal that one day.
I looked down at the envelope. It was blank. I wrote down Vulkie's address on the envelope full of her reward for aiding in the capture of Craig. I put on my fedora trench coat and made my way out into the city. It was winter and cold out side. I made my way to Vulkie's place and put the envelope in her mail box.
In a few days time, she would come out to find it in her mail box. She would wonder to herself, what it was and who sent it. Inside it would be seven thousand dollars and a personal note apologizing for the way I had treated her. Left and made my way back into the city.
As I walked through the crowded streets, I passed by someone who looked familiar and I stopped. I slowly turned my head and the person looked like Vulkie. As I turned back around, I could feel her doing the same thing.
But in the end, I pulled out a cigarette and lit it inhaling deeply. In time, Vulkie and I would beceome friends again. I walked through the city disappearing into a crowd of people.
One day, all of us would meet again to solve another case. Until then I made my way back to my appartment to get some much needed sleep.
(A special thanks to Molly Maltese, Heimlich VonVictor, Charlie Cain, Nellie McKinzey, Vulkie, and Brian Flannigan. Thank you for making this RP possible.)
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Nov-7-2009 14:12
Molly's Short Epilogue:
One of Billing's men suddenly appears on the scene! He manages to untie Billings and abscondwith him to a place where he can rest and recuperate fully from his wounds!
(Since we, of course, know that Billings is one of the main characters in Molly's ongoing story so it would be bad form to completely incapacitate him and leave him for capture...right?)
:) Right.
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Nov-7-2009 14:13
Awesome RP Marc. Too bad it had to end so abruptly. I was enjoying myself.
Thanks guys!
Charlie Cain
Nov-7-2009 15:57
Marc, Molly, Nellie, Vulkie, Brian, Heim, and Riza. I had a fun time everyone thanks Marc for allowing me a part in your saga... I hope we can write another story sometime.
Well everyone this was the case of the Disillusioned Detectives. Now as for me well thats a whole nother story. Stay tuned.
This is Charlie Cain: Happy Hunting.
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