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IMPORTANT: A Message to Hopeful Authors
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Aug-18-2009 01:13
(sticky post)

So, you've written a Scripted Mystery and are about to submit it for editing. Or perhaps you already have submitted it, and are waiting for it to be published.

Not so fast, there. Here are some things you should know and take to heart.

1. When you submit a Scripted Mystery, it is sent to a queue. The editors take the next mystery in the queue to review. It may take a while to get to your mystery, so be patient.

2. When an editor pulls a Scripted Mystery from the queue, we check it over to see if certain criteria is met. For example, are there a minimum of five suspects? Are the Introduction, Crime Scene, and Ending very short? Does the entire mystery lack descriptive writing? Heck, does it lack a PLOT? Is the author suffering from 'Back to the Future' syndrome? (Hint: they didn't have DNA evidence in the 1920's and 1930's.) Did the author run their work through a spellcheck or is the whole thing so badly typed it appears they just didn't care?

Also, please be advised that we do check for content and language. This is a rated PG game, folks, and our players range in age from 10 to 60+. Blatantly sexual content and graphic violence are unacceptable. We may allow certain words in some places but remove that same word from others; context is always taken under consideration. Vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity is not acceptible, and any offensive words, terms and/or phrases used will be removed, and may become a source for rejection.

3. When an editor pulls a Scripted Mystery from the queue, we do a play-through to see if there are mechanical problems, and how many there are. Most Scripted Mysteries end up with a couple of mechanical issues (an important question or twist isn't unlocked, etc.), and that's expected. But if none of the questions, twists, research, etc. are unlocked by any other events, there's a real problem.



Nov-17-2015 21:13

How to add "rule out suspects" GUI to scripted mysteries?

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Nov-18-2015 10:23

Since scripted mysteries have a bit of a different set up to the regular cases (for example, unique pieces of evidence), the Detective's Notes has been disabled for them. It might be possible to create a special version of the Detective's Notes for scripted mysteries in the future though.

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