Kay Jessi Derins Jr.
Jul-27-2009 21:31
I am on a intermediate level case. I have 7 suspects and 3 of them have false alibi, others have real ones. However, my only evidence recovered from the crime scence - a bloody footprint does not match all three of the false alibi suspects!!!
I have kept asking others and no one have turn up useful information regarding anyone suspicious, all they say is I have no reason to supsect ...
Is this an insolvable case???
Replies |
Lawrence Wargrave
Tale Spinner
Jul-27-2009 23:08
The evidence that points to one of the three suspects must be one you didn't pick up on the crime scene because you don't have the appropiate skills to do it.
In my opinion you should probably quit the case. It's not use guessing and risking to get a false acusation.
Hope this could be the answer to your question
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jul-28-2009 05:19
Lawrence is right Kay Jessi, you probably don't have all the basic skills yet.
In an intermediate level case your crime scene should have 3 to 4 physical evidence ( PE ) clues. Handwriting, Footprint, Hair and Thread evidence. If you don't have those skills then I would suggest you get them as soon as you can cause you will need them all if you wish to do intermediate and higher level cases. Until then do as Lawrence suggests..quit the case!! False accusations are very costly, Shady is a very greedy man..lol
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Jul-28-2009 07:17
If you don't have the skills to pick up all of the physical evidence, you should still be able to find the guilty part by asking for witness evidence against the three suspects with fake alibis. If you ask your preliminary questions judicially, and especially if you have research, you should have plenty of questions left to get the witness evidence you need.
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Jul-28-2009 12:11
er . . . that should be "judiciously."
Charlie Cain
Jul-29-2009 09:19
Sleuth Sindy is correct in that you can still solve the case. Its going to have to be done very delicately though you dont want to lose a witness to the horrible clam up syndrome. I personally dont like quitting cases at all but I have had to do it on more than one occasion. But no the case isnt unsolvable its just gonna be alot harder to narrow it down with out the one piece of evidence to tie the suspect to the crime 100%. Good luck though
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Jul-30-2009 09:52
Hi Kay, I noticed that you have only 100xp, so that means you've just reached the intermediate level and don't have that many skills to do the job yet. Don't worry about it, with time and patience you'll get more skills and equipment to improve your character.
There are two ways to grow your character: 1) Choose the highest possible difficulty level case as you are allowed to take (as you're doing now), but expect to quit some cases in the process (it's normal don't worry about it). This ensures a quicker growth even if you have a quit a few; 2) Do it the slow way and choose cases you can handle. This probably feels better for you ego but your character will grow slower. Either way, just don't guess!! Guess costs you a fortune.
Charlie Cain
Jul-31-2009 17:15
have you asked all the towns people if they know anything about the case. that normally will point you in the right direction as far as who to ask. I do agree with Mr. Zeo in saying dont guess no one wants a false accusation on their record. And Im sorry if my question sounds like its questioning your ability. But I only ask cause I have found myself in the same situation and I didnt ask who knew anything. Well again good luck