Server Downtime Tue Morning (July 21)
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jul-21-2009 12:09
We had a short notice server move that needed to be completed on Tuesday morning. As a result, Sleuth Noir was unplayable for approximately 3 hours from 8:30-11:30 am.
In accordance with our subscription policy, all current subscriptions have been extended for one full day.
We're very sorry for any inconvenience. We anticipate clear sailing for the foreseeable future... Hope I didn't just jinx us there.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jul-21-2009 12:12
Thanks for the update Ben and for the extra day :D
Jul-21-2009 12:27
I felt "forced" to play SOM during that period of time.
I am glad that all is taken care of now! :-)
Thank You!
Jul-21-2009 13:27
I was shocked to see that I couldn't connect. I've wasted 4 hours of me life,just clicking and reconnecting to the site xD. Well,it's operable now
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jul-24-2009 22:58
Chat is up again now too. Sorry I missed that.