pirates! twice in a row
Old Shoe
Jun-23-2009 05:32
I thought that wasn't supposed to happen anymore.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-23-2009 07:20
If I remember correctly Ben reduced, key word being 'reduced', the chances of being pirated twice in a day, which doesn't mean it can't happen. Besides, keep in mind that it could be worse. Before Ben made the changes you also lost the money you spent for travelling ;-)
Margo Channing
Jun-23-2009 07:58
Here is Admin's post:
Mar-17-2008 23:51
After a lot of valid complaints, I've finally changed the rules a bit for how pirating works.
1) The chances of getting pirated twice in a day have been reduced, and you should never be pirated more than twice.
2) You no long lose money when pirated, only turns. The money loss hit newer players considerably harder than advanced Sleuths, so this should be a bit more equitable.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jun-23-2009 15:51
Admoor, I can't say I know what you feel because I have hostage negotiation, but a couple of my agency mates ALWAYS get pirated twice while travelling for treasure hunts. Oh man, they get so mad!!
Old Shoe
Jun-24-2009 09:54
I was on my way to Shangra la.
I'm standing there on deck half naked, and all these Jonny Depp wanna bees come swinging over the side.
True I didn't lose the cash.
Just my dignity
And it's cold in london with nothing on but a dress and a parasol.
thanks margo and turtledove for the explanation and all of you for the moral support!