I wish I had a....
Jun-10-2009 16:06
Ok I was bored so I made up a game......
Heres how you play the person above you will wish for something. BUT you can change it like this
Bob: I wish I had a pony named Bob
Sally: I wish I had a chair named Bob
Suzy: I wish I had a chair named Hilary
Replies |
Jun-10-2009 16:07
Ok lets start or at least try....
I wish I had a computer that could talk.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-12-2009 07:13
I wish I had a computer that could sing.
Jun-12-2009 14:10
I wish I had a turtle that could sing
Jun-12-2009 14:27
I wish I had a turtle that could do a back flip
luc pfeiffer
Jun-14-2009 14:12
I wish I could do a back flip so I could entertain my turtle.
Jun-14-2009 16:25
lol nice
I wish I could do a back flip so I could impress everyone.
Apr-27-2010 01:52
I wish I could do an impress so I could back flip everyone.
Apr-27-2010 01:56
I wish I could impress everyone who can do a back flip.
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Apr-27-2010 06:23
I wish I could impress everyone who can flip pancakes.
Louise Cornwallis
Apr-27-2010 09:23
I wish... my secret wish would come true.