Compact Travel Kit
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
May-27-2009 08:15
Does anyone remember if at some point one could buy a Compact Travel Kit from the Detective Shop or from one of the Factions? I know it 's a pretty silly question but it's bugging the heck out of me :))
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Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
May-27-2009 09:03
i think you buy it from one of the factions but then i could be wrong - i cant clearly remember either lol :)
Con Artist
May-27-2009 09:08
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
May-27-2009 09:22
Btw, I know about the SM, it's just that I vaguely remember it being available elsewhere, but then I could have dreamt it all..lol
Thanks Makensie, that makes two of us :P
Thanks Aknas.
May-27-2009 10:48
I don't think it's available any place else except for the one that you alluded to, thats why it is so important to make that decision when you have the opportunity. It may be an option for someone in the future, but for now you either have to fins a player to buy one from or go without!
May-27-2009 10:48
Oh one more thing turtledove, there is no such thing as silly questions, only silly answers! ;-)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
May-27-2009 12:39
Gotcha ctown, thanks..lol
Washed Up Punter
Oct-2-2015 06:04
I know it's an old thread but how do you manage to get a travel kit?
I found something about the Doomsayer mysteries in some other message but i wanted to be sure.
Con Artist
Oct-2-2015 06:15
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